Christianity - Origins (Yr 11) Flashcards
kha tu
what is the historical and cultural context in which Christianity began?
- Christianity grew out of Judaism
- Jesus lived in Palestine (6BCE-30CE)
- occupied by The Romans
- ruled by Caesar Augustus
- Jews suffered deprivation and hardships under Roman rule (harsh taxes etc)
- no central Jewish authority
what was the political point of view in the time of Jesus?
struggling empires waged war until the Roman Empire gained control
what was the economic point of view in the time of Jesus?
- vast system of business and finance
- dominated by international trades
- enforced system of taxation
- lots of slave labour
what was the sociological point of view in the time of Jesus?
- assortment of ethnic people, high government officials, merchants, and slaves
- diverse and exotic religious life
what were the principal events in Jesus’ life?
- birth
- brit milah
- baptism
- missionary work
- teachings/parables
- healing
- miracles
- final days in Jerusalem/arrest/trials
- crucifixion
- resurrection
outline Jesus’ birth.
- born in Bethlehem –> escaping King Herod’s order to kill all firstborn males
- circa 6CE
“The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.” (Luke 2)
outline Jesus’ brit milah.
- circumcised 8 days after his birth
- honour the law of Brit Milah
“On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child.” (Luke 2)
outline Jesus’ baptism.
- baptised by his cousin, John the Baptist
- in the river of Jordan
- around 30 years old
outline Jesus’ teachings/parables.
- the good samaritan: man saved a crippled man while others walked by (Luke 10:30-37)
- the prodigal son: the father forgives his son when he returns and welcomes him home (Matthew 13:34)
outline Jesus’ healings.
- heals a blind man
- heals a leper
“He said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.” (Matthew 8:1-3)
outline Jesus’ miracles.
- changed water to wine
- fed the 5000
- walked on water
“Master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.” (John 2:8-9)
“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.” (Matthew 14:17-19)
outline Jesus’ final days in Jerusalem, his arrest, and his trial.
- Holy Thursday
- washing of the feet
- prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane
- betrayed by Judas
- arrested after being kissed by Judas
- trialed by Pontius Pilate
“Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master.” (John 13: 12-16)
outline Jesus’ crucifixion.
- sentenced to death by Pontious Pilate
- wore a crown of thorns
- nailed to the cross
- left to die
“Then Pilate turned Jesus over to them to be crucified.” (Matthew 47: 40-41)
outline Jesus’ resurrection.
- Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later
- disappeared from his tomb
“You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!” (Mark 16)
why is Jesus the model for the Christian life?
- his ways were authentically Jewish
- ideas, language, and imagery was Jewish
- focused on the notion that all were welcome in the Kingdom of God
- his words and deeds are the frameworks of how Christians should behave
- his life, birth, and death form the basis of the Christian calendar
- he is the anointed one, the chosen Messiah, and the saviour of the world
- demonstrates the forgiveness of God
- expressed the relationship with God after death
how were early Christian communities developed?
- the Apostles recounted Jesus’ life, beliefs and practices after his death
- the 12 Apostles were led by Simon
- Peter travelled to Antioch, Ephesus and Rome
- Saul of Tarsus converted to Christianity after a vision of Jesus
- Saul became Paul, and turned into a missionary, dedicating his life towards spreading the Word of God
- Paul converted Jews and gentiles through his journeys
- Paul’s founding of Christian communities were the CORNERSTONES the Christian establishment
- letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles
“Peter, you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church.” (Matthew 16:18)
what are the unique features of the Christian variant, Catholicism?
- worship is sacramental
- teachings are drawn from scriptures and religious traditions
- hierarchical –> under the Pope
- eucharist is the focus or worship
- transubstantiation: Jesus is present in the bread and wine
- faith and good deeds lead to salvation
- increased focus on Mary and the saints
- the seven sacraments: baptism, reconciliations, eucharist, confirmation, marriage, anointing of the sick, holy order
- strong belief in heaven and hell
- tradition of monasticism in priesthood
- involved in social reform and education
- only men can be priest, and cannot marry
what are the unique features of the Christian variant, Orthodoxy?
- Divine Liturgy is the heart of worship –> celebration of the Eucharist
- predominant use of incense
- liturgy is often sung
- official language is Greek
- profound use of sacramentalism
- emphasis on monasticism
- only men can be priests but can be married
- matters of doctrine should be determined by religious councils, not one individual
what are the unique features of the Christian variant, Protestantism?
- evolved out of the Reformation period
- main contributors: Martin Luther and John Calvin
- Luther denounced the corruption in the Catholic Church –> selling of indulgences
- bible is a source of authority
- transcendence of God
- less liturgical and sacramental than Catholicism
- more emphasis on preaching the word of Jesus
- increased rokes for women
what are the unique features of the Christian variant, Anglicanism?
- developed during the reign of Henry VIII
- separation from the Roman Church and the Pope
- influenced by the theology of Martin Luther
- focus on biblical authority
- split into low Anglican and high Anglican
- low Anglican: a variety of protestant faiths
- high Anglican: closely affiliated with the Catholic Church
- greater roles for women in priesthood
what are the unique features of the Christian variant, Pentecostalism?
- originated in the USA
- Methodist movement
- seek to restore the Holy Spirit to the Church
- emphasis on the corporate element of worship
- great spontaneity
- person is baptised to receive the ‘gift of tongue’ (‘Baptism of the Spirit’)
- value in healing, prophesy, and prophetic interpretation
- power of the Holy Spirit