Joints & ligaments of shoulder girdle and upper extremity Flashcards
What is the sternoclavicular joint
Diarthrosis synovial gliding
What does the sternoclavicular joint contains
Articular capsule & anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments
What is the acromioclavicular joint
Diarthrosis synovial gliding
What does the acromioclavicular joint contain
Articular capsule; acromioclavicular ligament; coracoclavicular ligaments: trapezoid & conoid ligaments; coracoacromial liagements
What is the glenohumeral(shoulder) joint
Diarthrosis synovial ball-and-socket
What does the glenohumeral joint
Articular capsule; glenohumeral ligaments: superior, middle, inferior; transverse humeral ligaments
What is the elbow joint
Diarthrosis synovial hinge
What does the elbow contain
Articular capsule; ulnar collateral ligament and radial collateral ligament
What is the superior radioulnar joint
Diarthrosis synovial pivot
What does the superior radioulnar joint contain
Articular capsule and annular ligament
What is the intermediate radioulnar joint
Synarthrosis fibrous syndesmosis
What does the intermediate radioulnar joint contain
Interosseous membrane
What is the inferior radioulnar joint
Diarthrosis synovial pivot
What does the inferior radioulnar joint contains
Articular capsule and dorsal radioulnar ligament
What is the radiocarpal (wrist) joint
Diarthrosis synovial condyloid
What does the radiocarpal ( wrist ) joint contain
Articular capsule, ulnotriquetral ligament, lomg radioulnate ligament and plamar & dorsal radiocarpal ligaments
What is the intercarparl joints
Diarthrosis synovial gliding
What does the intercarparl joints contains
Dorsal intercarpal ligament & Pisohamate liagament
What is the carpo-metacarpal joints & inter-metarcarpal joints 2-5
Diarthrosis synovial gliding
What dos the carpo -metacarpal joints & inter-metarcarpal joints 2-5 contains
Pisometacarpal ligament & deep transverse metacarpal ligament
What is the carpo-metacarpal joint of thumb
Diarthrosis synovial saddle
What is the metacarpo-phalangeal joints 2-5
Diarthrosis synovial condyloid
What is the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of thumb
Diarthrosis synovial hinge
What is the interphalangeal joints
Diarthrosis synovial hinge
Synatrhosis fibrous (immovable)
- suture
- syndesmosis
Amphiarthrosis cartilaginous (slightly moveable)
- symphysis
- synchondrosis
Diarthorsis synovial (freely moveable)
- arthrodial (gliding)
- ellipsoidal (condyloid)
- ginglymus (hinge)
- sellar (saddle)
- enarthrodial (ball-and-socket)
- trochoid (pivot)