Joints Flashcards
Sternoclavicular Joint
Which bones meet and what type of joint?
What are the ligaments?
Brings clavical to the menubrium of the sternum.
Sellar Synovial Joint
Articular Disc of the sternoclavicular joint (cartilagenous)
Costoclovicular, Anterior and Posterior Sternoclavicular, Interclavicular L.

Acromioclavicular joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
The acromion of the scapula and the clavical
Planer type synovial joint
Articular disc of the acromioclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular, superior transverse scapular, corricoclaveicular joint (provides support)

Glenohumeral Joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
Glenoid fossa of scapula and head of humerus
Sphereiodal Synovial Joint
Glenoid Labrum (fibrous cartiladge), Subacromial Bursa (for sliding), Transverse Humeral Ligament (attaches to the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii)
Look at image, names are pretty structurally fitting.

Why is the ulna not interacting with the carpals via a joint?
There is an articulating disc that prevents it’s interaction.
What ligaments provide support fot the acromioclavicuar joint?
The coracoclavicular ligaments.
Two Parts
Trapezoid (lateral) and Conoid ligaments (medial)

What composes the Coracacromial Arch?
Acromion, Coracocromial L., Coracoid process
Elbow Joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
Humerus meets the radius and ulna
Ginglymus Joint
Collaterol ligaments help to stabilize joint in one motion
Annular L. Wraps around the ulna to stabilize to the radius
A bunch of bursa that are pretty much named based off of where they are

What are the three parts of the Ulnar Collateral ligament?

Radioulnar joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
Radius and Ulna
Proximal: Trochiod (radial head pivots in the radial notch) Anular ligament holds in place
Medial: Syndesmosis Interosseous membrane, Oblique cord
Distal: Trochiod Articular Capsule for the Distal Radioulnar Joint
Pouch of synovial membran on distal and proximal end called sacciform recess

Radiocarpal Joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
Ulna and Schaphoid, Lunate, and Triquetrum
Collaterol ligaments (radio & ulner), (palmer & dorsal) radiocarpel, and (palmer & dorsal) ulnocarpel

Parts of a synovial joint
Outer fibrous capsol, outer fibrous component, inner synovial membrane
Intercarpal joints
What is the type of joint?
Naming system?
Dont memorize names, these are location based.
Know the Pisohamate L. , the ulnar nerve goes under this and forms Guyon’s canal
Mid Carpal Joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint?
The proximal and distal carpals
Sellar joint - conceptually (too many ligaments)
Carpometatarsal Joints
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
Distal carpals and metatarsals
1st is sellar joint
2, 3, 4, 5 planar joint
Carpometacarpal ligaments (palmer & dorsal), pizometacarpal l. (Guyon’s canal)
Radiate carpal ligament (capitate fanning out ligaments, palmer only)

Intermetacarpal joints
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?
The Metacarpals
Intrerosseus ligaments - between the bone
Palmer and dorsal intermetacarpal ligaments
Metacarpalpharangeal Joints
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?

Condylar synovial
Metacarpals and pharangeal
Deep Transverse Metacapal L., Superficial Transverse Metacarpal L., Lateral Collateral L., Medial Collateral L., Palmer L.

Interphalangeal Joint
What bones meet?
What is the type of joint and what ligaments are included?

Between the phalanges
Medial/Lateral Collateral L., Palmer L.

Movement of thumb
Flection is thumbs up.