Developmental Clinical Notes / Diseases Flashcards
Fertilization of an empty oocyte results in this benign tumor, it causes exxcessive amounts of hCG.
Can cause: Vagina bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, enlarged uterus, or hyperemesis gravidarum (morning sickness)
Hydatidiform Mole
Identify the Neurotube Defects shown.

Spinal bifida occulta
Myelocele (myeloschisis)
This occurs during fertilization of a normal ooxyte by two sperm.
Partial hydatidiform mole
Malignant tumor that arises from a hyditidiform mole. Can spread to liver, lungs, vagina, intestines, bone, and brain.
Describe what an ectopic pregnancy is.
Abnormal embryo implantation that results in higher hCG, pain, and lack of embryo in uterus.
May happen in tubes, if happens in abdomin and organs there is a 90% chance of maternal death.
What is the ectopic pregnancy that occurs in the internal cervical os.
Placenta Previa (Marginal, partial, total)
Antepartum bleeding means don’t do digital evaluation! Sonograph it. Palpation may cause hemmorage.
What can failure of the prechordal plate to rupture and failure for epiblasts to migrate cause?
Oralpharyngeal teratoma
What can failure of the cloacal to rupture and failure for epiblasts to migrate cause?
Scracoccygeal Terratoma
What can arise from remnants of the notocord later on in life?
Occur in axial skeleton in spheno occipital region of skull and sacral regions as well.
What disease may occur due to abnormal rib development?
Thoracic outlet syndrome - cervical rib
Disease characterized by a sternum protrusion.
Pectus carinatum
“Pidgeon chest”
Cause is not exactly known
Disease characterized by sternum depression.
Funnel chest
-May compress heart and shift location to the right
Disease that is due to the absence of hypomere migration to the chest.
Poland syndrome
Disease associated with the following characteristics:
Associated with syndactyly
Absence of pectoralis major and minor
Ipsilateral breast hypoplasia
Absence of 2 to 4 ribs
Poland Syndrome
Partial or complete absence of abdominal musculature
Prune belly syndrome
Disease associated with the following:
Primarily affects males
Cryptorchidism (failure
of one or both testes to
Malformation of
urinary tract and
bladder / Urethral obstruction
Prune Belly Syndrome
Problem with the rostral neuropore where it failed to close at appropriate time, and you are missing the neocortex and calvera (boney cover) of the brain.
Problems where the rostral neuropore failed to close at appropriate time.
Encephalocele (with ot without brain tissue)
What are the neurocristopathies?
Hirschsprung’s Disease
Cleft lip/palate
DiGeorge Syndrome
Aorticpulmonary Sepation
What is DiGeorge Syndrome?
Neurocristopathy involving hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroid, thymic dysplasia leading to immonudeficiency, defects in cardiac outflow and aoritc arches.
Difference in lumbar puncture for newborn vs. adult.
Newborn: aim for L2 or L3 (not completely developed cauda equina)
Adult: aim for L1 or L2.
Upregulation of the Zone of Polarizing Activity (ZPA) on posterior side of limb causes what during the six week of development?
What is caused by lack of BMPs in week 6-8?
What occurs during week 7 due to duplication of ZPA.
Polydactyly of foot, posterior elements on other side of big toe
Thaledimide during pregnancy can cause what?
FGF 4, 8, 10 + Vasculature
What happens when the apical ectodermal ridge is downregulated?
Split hand or Split foot disease
Congenital joint contractures that usually involces more then one joint. The cause is unclear but thought to be due to: Neurological defects, muscular abnormalities, joint and contigous tissue problems, and fetal crowding.