Back Muscles Flashcards

Iliocostalis Thoracis M.
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Intercostal Arteries

Splenius Cervicis M.
A: Extend the Neck when working bilaterally; Laterally
Flex the Neck and Rotate Face toward when working unilaterally
N: Posterior Rami C5-7
B: Occipital Artery

Serratus posterior inferior
A: Depress Ribs with forced expiration (primarily proprioceptive)
N: Anterior Rami T9-12
B: Intercostal artery

Longissimus Thoracis
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries and lumbar arteries

Serratus Posterior Superior M.
A: Elevate Ribs with forced inspiration (primarily
N: Intercostal N. (2-5)
B: Intercostal Arteries

Intertransversarii M. (best developed in Cervical and Lumbar Regions)
A: Laterally Flex spine
N: Posterior portion (Posterior Rami), Anterior portion (Anterior Rami)
B: Intercostal arteries and lumbar arteries

Rectus Capitis Posterior Major M. (medial border Suboccipital Triangle)
A: Extend Head, Rotate Face toward
N: Suboccipital N.
B: Muscular branches of the vertebral artery, descending branch of the occipital artery

Semispinalis Cervicis M.
A: Extend Spine and Rotate Spine away
N: Posterior Rami
B. Posterior intercostal arteries

Splenius Capitus M.
A: Extend the Neck when working bilaterally; Laterally T3(4) Nuchal Line of the Occipital B. Flex the Neck and Rotate Face toward when working unilaterally
N: Posterior Rami C3-5
B: Occipital Artery from external carotid

Latissimus Dorsi M.
A: Extend, ADduct and Medially Rotate the Humerus, rotate the glenoid cavity inferiorly
N: Thoracodorsal N. (C6-8)
B: Thoracodorsal artery

Levator Scapulae M.
A: Elevate scapula, Rotate the Glenoid Cavity inferiorly
and when the Scapula is fixed Extend and Laterally Flex the Neck
N: C3, 4, Dorsal Scapular N. (C5)
B: Dorsal Scapular Artery

Longissimus Cervicis
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Interspinalis M. (best developed in Cervical and Lumbar Regions)
A: Extend Spine
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries, deep cervical branches of the costocervical trunck

Iliocostalis Cervicis
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Iliocostalis Lumborum M.
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Intercostal and lumbar arteries

Multifidus M. (3 or 4 spinal segments)
A: Extend Spine, Rotate the Spine away
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior intercostal and lumbar arteries, deep cervical branch of the costocervical trunk

Rhomboid Minor M.
N: Dorsal Scapular N. (C4, 5)
A: Retract and Elevate scapula, Rotate the Glenoid Cavity
B: Dorsal Scapular Artery

Obliquus Capitis Superior M. (lateral border Suboccipital
A: Extend and Laterally Flex Head
N: Suboccipital N.
B: Muscular branches of the vertebral artery, descending branch of the occipital artery

Levator Costarum Longus M.
A: Elevate ribs
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior instercostal arteries

Semispinalis Capitas M.
A: Extent Head, Rotate Face away
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Trapezius M.
iNnervation: Motor: Spinal Accessory N. (CN XI)
Action: Whole muscle (Rotate point of the glenoid cavity superiorly, Retract the Scapula), Upper fibers (Elevate Scapula), Lower fibers (Depress Scapula) With the Scapula fixed the Upper fibers will Extend the Neck working bilaterally, Laterally Flex the Neck and Rotate the Face away when working unilaterally
Blood supply: Transverse cervical artery

Levator Costarum Brevis M.
A: Elevate ribs
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior instercostal arteries

Semispinalis Thoracis M.
A: Extend Spine and Rotate Spine away
N: Posterior Rami
B. Posterior intercostal arteries

Rhomboid Major M.
A: Retract and Elevate scapula, Rotate the Glenoid Cavity
N: Dorsal Scapular N. (C4, 5)
B: Dorsal scapular artery

Spinalis Cervicis M. (usually absent)
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor M. (medial border Suboccipital Triangle)
A: Extend Head
N: Suboccipital N.
B: Muscular branches of the vertebral artery, descending branch of the occipital artery

Rotatores Longus M. (extending 2 spinal segments)
A: Extend Spine, Rotate the Spine away (primarily proprioceptive)
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries

Spinalis Thoracis M.
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Rotatores Brevis M. (extending to adjacent spinal segment)
A: Extend Spine, Rotate the Spine away (primarily proprioceptive)
N: Posterior Rami
B: Posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries

Longissimus Capitis M.
A: Maintain erect posture and extend the Vertebral Column and
Head when working bilaterally; Laterally Flex the Vertebral Column when working unilaterally
N: Segmentally innervated by Posterior Rami of Spinal nerves
B: Posterior intercostal arteries

Obliquus Capitis Inferior M (inferior border Suboccipital Triangle)
A: Rotate Face toward
N: Suboccipital N.
B: Muscular branches of the vertebral artery, descending branch of the occipital artery