Job Roles In Hospitality And Catering Industry Flashcards
What do managers do
Managers are:
Resposible for finances
staff training
customer satisfaction
building maintenanc
deal with customer complaints and welfare of staff
Examples of managers in a large hotel
• General Manager
•Finance Manager
• Sales/Reservations Manager
• Front Office Manager
• Head Receptionist
• Human Resources (staff) Manager
• Restaurant Manager
Conference Manager
• Food and Beverage Manager
• Executive Chef
• Logistics Manager (purchase of supplies, cleaning, maintenance, security, ICT)
• Head Housekeeper
What do administrators do
Responsible for helping the business to run smoothly:
deal with correspondence
organise paperwork
manage supplies
Manage events and organise ITC support and the manager
Example of administrators in a large hotel
• Secretaries
•Assistant/Deputy Managers
• Cashier
What do front of house staff do
Represent the business
promote reputation for the business
work with customers and staff
set up rooms
take bookings and deal with questions
Examples of Front of house staff in a large hotel
• Valets and drivers
• Waiters and waitresses
• Bartenders
• Cashier
What do back of house staff do
Buy and organise supplies
Storing, preparing and organising food and drinks
clean all areas of hotel
maintain facilities and security
Example of back of house staff in a large hotel
• Stockroom Manager
• Kitchen brigade
•Maintenance team
• Gardeners /Groundskeeper
• Security guards
Guest room attendants
What is a kitchen brigade
The kitchen brigade is a system for setting out and explaining the job roles and responsibilities of those people who work in a kitchen.
What do housekeeping do
Housekeeping staff work ‘behind the scenes’ to make sure that rooms, communal areas, dining rooms, conference facilities, bathrooms and other facilities are clean,safe and well maintained (e.g. replace light bulbs, mend broken appliances etc.).
Examples of housekeeping
- Head Housekeeper and assistants
-Room attendants
-Maintenance Manager and assistants
-General cleaning staff
Kitchen brigade roles
Executive chef
sous chef(under chef)
chef de partie(stations chef)
commis chef (trainee chef)
grillardin (grill chef)
garde manger (cold foods/pantry chef)
rotissier (roast chef)
patissier (pastry chef)
kitchen porter
3 things that a manager in a H and C business is responsible for
• Responsible for the smooth running of a business
• Responsible for the finances and security
• Employment (and dismissal) of staff
3 things that a waiter in a H and C business is responsible for
-welcoming and seating guests
-taking guest orders
-communicating them effectively to the kitchen
What is the Head Chef responsible for:
• The activities, behaviour and welfare of all the people who work in the kitchen
• Hiring new staff
• Planning and writing the menu
• Choosing, buying and storing the food
• Food hygiene and safety
• Personal safety
• The equipment
• The production of the food
• Managing the costs of running the kitchen
• Organising and maintaining the kitchen
2 things that a stockroom manager in a H and C business is responsible for
-maintaining inventories
-ordering supplies
What is hospitality?
What is catering?
What are caterers:
Hospitality: accomodation with food, drink and entertainment
Catering: area which sells food and drinks (provisions)
Caterers: supply businesses and places with food made in a kitchen/factory then delivered to order
Examples of different customer groups
Business conferences and meetings
• Family events
• Guests at a social event
• Tourists
• Participants in leisure activities
• Student field trips
• Travellers breaking a journey
• Passengers on a journey
Examples of different H and C services
・ Housekeeping
• Turn down bed
• Room food and drink service
• Packed lunches
• Formal meals
• Study and training facilities
• Conference rooms
• Internet access
• Transport catering service
What is the commercial H and C business
Commercial H and C businesses aim to make a profit:
They can be places where people stay in the accommodation provided (residential).
They can be places where H&C services are provided, but there is no accommodation for people to stay in (non-residential).
What is the non-commercial sector H and C business
Non-commercial sector H&C businesses are non-profit making:
They can be places where people stay in the accommodation provided (residential).
They can be places where H&C services are provided, but there is no accommodation for people to stay in (non-residential).
Examples of different establishments in the H and C field
1)Health and welfare
3)Armed forces
- Health and welfare:
• NHS hospitals
• NHS nursing and care homes
• Emergency services
• Prisons - Education:
• Colleges /universities
• Boarding schools - Armed forces:
• Army/Navy /Air Force
4, Other:
• Hostels /shelters
• Private nursing and care homes
Examples of different establishment in the H and C field
1)workforce and catering
2) Voluntary sector/ Health and welfare
3) Education
4)Public sector catering
- Workforce catering:
• Canteens
• Dining rooms in factories, construction sites, shops, etc. - Voluntary sector/Health & welfare:
• Senior citizen luncheon clubs
• Charity food vans and cafes
• Day-care centres - Education:
• Childcare day nurseries
• School holiday clubs - Public sector catering:
• Schools
What is worflow
the way that food Passes through the kitchen from delivery of ingredients to the finished meal served to the customer
What are the different categories for equipment in the kitchen and provide examples
Large equipment>
E.g. ovens, cooking ranges, walk-in freezers and refrigerators
Small hand-held utensils and equipment:
E.g. bowls, jugs, pans, whisks, spatulas, knives, chopping boards
Food saftey equipment:
E.g. colour-coded chopping boards, knives, tongs, food labels, food temperature probe
Mechanical equipment:
E.g. mincer, food processor, mixer, vegetable peeler
First aid and saftey equipment:
E.g. first aid kit, safety and emergency exit signs, fire extinguishers
What are the different folour chopping boards used for
Green: raw meat and poultry
Yellow: dairy and bakery
White: vegetables
Red: raw fish
Brown:fruits and sald vegetables
Blue: cooked meat, poultry and fish
Different types and uses of knives
Palette knife:Spreading ingredients and lifting cooked items from a baking tray
Paring or vegetable knife: Peeling fruits and vegetables
Chef’s/ cook’s knife: Chopping a variety of foods e.g. vegetables, nuts, chocolate, herbs
Filleting knife: Filleting fish
Boning knife/meat knife: Cutting a whole chicken into joints
What are materials in H and C
the range of items and products that are needed to run a H&C business, besides equipment and ingredients
Materials used in the catering kitchen
Cleaning materials:
• Detergents for washing dishes, cutlery etc.
• Detergents for washing clothes, dishcloths, oven gloves, etc.
• scourers, washing up cloths, floor cloths, mops, dustpans and brushes, brooms, buckets
Employee welfare materials:
• First aid
• Hand wash liquid
• Paper towels /hand driers
• Toilet paper
Food preparation materials:
• Kitchen paper, foil, baking paper
• Food labels
• Food storage boxes and bags
Waste disposal materials:
• Waste bags and bins
• Recycling bags and bins
Maintenance materials:
• Filters for extractors
• Oil for greasing machines
• Light bulbs and batteries
Forms of paperwork in the catering kitchen
Staff employment and training information
Staff health checks, sickness and accident records
Health and safety documents and certificates
Stock orders, supplier invoices and delivery notes
Food safety documents and certificates
Financial and budget documents