Job Demand Analysis Flashcards
Job Demand Analysis
Type of ergonomic assessment that focusses on occupational demands of required duties and how well a client can perform said duties.
-includes both physical and mental/cognitive demands and takes into account environmental factors.
-common to use in return-to-work assessments and treatments.
Must include details of job position and requirements related to safety, training needed, hours of work, skills needed, equipment used, work environment with considerations for accessibility.
Standardized vs customized test
-some companies create their own job/physical demand analysis or occupation fitness testing
-depends on job description and tasks
-can find generic or stadnardized assessments with different companies or you could creaste a customized assessment for the employer yourself.
-standardized assessments can be more easily tracked over time compared to similar job positions
-includes worksafeBC, ICBC, surehire
Physical Demand Analysis
focuses on the physical demands required to complete the essential and non-essential tasks of a job.
Cognitive Demands Analysis
Objective evaluation of cognitive, emotional, and psychological skills required to perform essential and non-essential tasks of a job.
Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)
Another form or name for JDA but does not have to be job specific, but main goal is normally a return to work protocol
-series of assessments to determine a person’s physical abilities and work tolerance.
-can help determine if client’s need to do on disability claims or if they can do a full or graduated return to work protocol.
-kinesiologists can be subcontracted out to perform these (same as JDAs).
-determined physical assessments (job related movements and loads)
-unbiased observations by the professional (kin, PT, OT, GP, etc.).
-A written report completed by the professional regarding observations from the assessments
-includes recommendations in regards to RTW or further plan if needed
-can give guidance on gradual return to work protocols (ie. part time, reduces hour of shifts, alternative duties).