Common Assessment of Muscle Strength, Endurance, and Power Flashcards
Rep Max Testing
1-10RM testing can be considered a gold standard for muscular strength assessment.
Amount of weight in a functional movement.
1RM is the greatest resistance that can be moved once through full ROM (main gold standard).
-not considered safe for most clinical populations.
Can choose movement for any muscle group, and can be done with a variety of equipment.
-make sure it’s a functional mvoement that makes sense for what you want to test for (ie. stick to basics like squat, deadlift, shoulder press, row, etc.).
-make sure client can perform the movement
-pros and cons to using machines vs free weights
-focus on functional, simple movements.
If using multiple RM testing, you can use the final weight to estimate 1 RM.
Compare 1RM to norms if appropriate.
-normative data might not be as accurate, using weight lifted divided by body weight.
-not a lot of research done on it
-use the data more as baseline testing (Pre to post comparison).
1RM Procedure
Have client complete an appropriate aerobic or mobility warm up.
Demonstrate the exercise you are assessing and allow the client to practice movement with a light weight.
Determine the 1RM (or any multiple of 1RM of exercise within 4 trials of the movement with 3-5 min rest between trials.
-start with weight that would be ~50-70% capacity you perceive for the client.
-progress resistance by 5-10% for upper body and 10-20% for lower body each trial.
-multiples of 1RM should be completed til failure.
The least amount of reps performed the more accurate the 1RM estimation is
Grip Strength
Measure of isometric strength.
Indicator of whole body strength and predictor of functional limitations and disability later in life.
Equipment include hand dynamometer.
Procedure for testing grip strength:
Ask client to grip dynamometer between fingers and palm.
Adjust so the second joint of fingers fits snuggly around handle.
Have client hold arm straight and down by side, but away from the body OR at a 90 degree angle at the elbow.
Have client squeeze as hard as possible.
Repeat each hand twice, record to nearest kg.
Add a third round if big difference in numbers from first and second round.
Use highest scores to associated normative charts.
Other Clinical Tests
30s sit to stand (STS)
5x STS
Pushup or 30s pushup
back extension or 3min trunk flexion.
squat test
vertical jump
McGill Core Endurance test
30s STS
Measure of lower limb strength and endurance.
-good for older population/chronic condition clients.
-can also be prescribed as exercise as well.
Equipment = stopwatch and chair
May not have norms, but good to see changes in strength as client progress.
-most of the norms exist for older adults.
-score of less than x means they have weaker lower limb strength and endurance which means they are at greater risk for falls.
Procedure of 30s STS
Have client start seated with arms across chest in a standard height chair (18-23 in).
-make notes of what chair you used for future testing
-if client uses arms to help stand up, allow them to do so and make note of this.
Start timer when client starts to stand, count how many sit to stand tests they can do in 30s.
-client must fully stand up and sit down to count for 1 rep; if they finish halfway through a rep at the 30s then do not count the last rep.
-if the client stops to rest, continue timer
-if the client ceases tests before 30s is up, ask why and record reasoning.
5x STS
Measure of lower limb power.
-good for older population/chronic condition clients.
Equipment = stopwatch and chair.
-results (time) higher than norms indicates weaker lower limb power and greater risk of falls and slower reaction time.
Procedure for 5x STS
Have client start seated.
Record time for client to stand up and sit down fully 5 times (measured in seconds).
-continue to time if client stops to rest.
If choose to use hands, write it down in notes.
Push Up Test
Measure of upper limb strength and endurance.
Complete as many pushups as they can.
Males completes in push position on toes, women complete in push up position on knees.
-Just where norms exists
Have client complete as many push ups as possible in one set.
-stop test if client feels pain, unable to maintain proper form for >2 consecutive reps, or pauses >3s for >2 consecutive reps.
-do not count reps for improper form.
30s push up test same as 30s STS
-no norms available
Back Extension Test
Also known as Biering-Sorenson Test.
Isometric endurance of hip and back extensors.
-can help depict risk of non-specific lower back pain
-however, not suitable for clients with current low back pain or injuries.
Equipment = elevated bench or platform, stopwatch.
Norms associated with this test.
Can also use trunk flexion as a test for back strength and endurance.
-no norms though.
Procedure for Back Extension Test
Have client lie prone with iliac crest positioned at edge of bench.
-secure lower limbs down.
Start timing when client lifts arms and puts them across chest.
Instruct client to maintain parallel for max of 3 min.
-terminate test if client has pain, or if torso drops below horizontal line without correction or max time is reached.
Record time and compare to norms.
Vertical Jump
Assesses peak lower limb power.
Equipment = measuring tape or vertical jump marker.
Can measure peak leg power (W) with following equation:
W= [60.7 x jump heigh in cm] + [45.3 x body mass in kg] – 2055
Procedure for Vertical Jump
Have client stand perpendicular to wall with measuring tape or to vertical jump marker.
Ask client to reach as high as possible with feet flat on the ground (baseline reach height), record to nearest 0.5cm.
Ask client to move a step away from the wall then jump as high as they can in one motion (no run up) and touch the highest point they can reach on the measuring tape.
-can have them stick a piece of tape on the wall where they touch.
Complete 3 trials and use highest jump to measure power, then compare to norms.