Anthropometric Assessments Flashcards
Height Measurements and Protocol
cm, feet and inches
Measuring tape against a wall or height measuring tool.
-no shoes
-make to nearest 0.5cm
Weight Measurements and Protocol
lbs, kgs
Scale on hard surface
-no shoes and light clothing
-take to nearest 0.1kg
Electronic scales should be on a flat, hard surface.
Weight fluctuates by 3-5lbs per day depending on the person.
Important to keep an eye for cardiac patients.
-big jump/increase in weight over a short period could indicate retention of water and that something is wrong.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
weight in kg/height in m2
Indirect measurement of body fat mass.
-but does not distinguish fat mass and fat-free mass or distribution of fat mass.
Can be a good educational tool for some clients.
Waist Circumference
Measure of visceral fat mass
-increased visceral fat (and thus WC values) leads to higher risks of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome.
Normally used with BMI to determine risk factors for conditions.
Different variations with country or ethnicity.
WC Protocol
Clear abdomen of clothing.
Client to stand feet shoulder width apart and arms across chest in a relaxed manner.
Take a fabric tape measure and measure at superior edge of iliac crest (palpate hip bone to find this).
Ask client to take a deep breath in and out, measure to closest 0.5cm on exhale.
Normal Measurements for WC
Caucasian women = <80cm
Caucasian men = <90cm
Measurements for other populations will be different
Various risk factors associated with circumference (ie. on slides).
If have normal BMI, but higher waist circumference then it is still manageable.
-if both are high, then have higher risk factors.
No categorization based on age, only gender.
Skinfold Measures
Estimate of body subcutaneous fat mass using skinfold calipers.
-utilizes equations to estimate subcutaneous fat mass.
Limitations of Skinfold Measures
Sensitivity of clients to have skinfolds taken.
Substantial intra- and inter-observer variability in measurements.
More error in high adiposity levels (not recommended for > or equal to 30 BMI).
High level of training needed to correctly administer.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Estimate of body fat percentage.
Machine passes a low-level of electrical current through body and measures the impedance/resistance to flow of electricity.
-high amount of water in body the less resistance; high amount of fat in the body, the more resistance.
-determines fat free mass and then subtracts this from the scale weight to estimate fat mass (and fat mass %).
Limitations of BIA
Equation errors
Hydration level (high hydration = false reading).
Limb Circumference
Can be useful to track fat mass changes per limb.
Can be more helpful to track muscle mass/fat-free mass changes over time.
Locations include upper arms, proximal forearm, mid-thigh, and mid-calf.
-or where this is obvious atrophy that is of concern.
Limitations of Limb Circumference
Not valid to estimate fat mass or fat-free mass.
Inter- and intra-observer reliability.
-put in chart notes how you did the first time so that you can replicate it as much as possible.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan.
Low dose x-ray that measures bone density and composition (fat mass and fat-free mass).
Gold-standard for body composition tests (more accurate).
Used mostly to determine osteopenia/osteoporosis.
-determined through T score
->-1 = normal
–1 to -2.5 = osteopenia
–2.5 and lower = osteoporosis