Jepps 800s Flashcards
IFR Airspace Clearances
A, C, D, E
Class A, C, D, E remain above LL of airspace minimum
Conditional Clearances
Must hold until all lighted stop bars off
Min 15 mins prior to EOBT otherwise contact clearance delivery for verbal airway clearance.
If change of aircraft, advise on initial contact with ATC
Selection of Levels - Non Conforming?
IFR outside CTA? Notify ATS unit, in event of conflict - give way to other aircraft complying
Block levels - which airspace not available?
Class E
Change of Levels - how long after ATC instruction?
No later than 1 minute (unless specify time/place)
rate of climb or descent not less than 500 ft/min except last 1000 ft made at 500 ft/min
ATC Approval not required
IFR pilot report present position and intention to ATC approx 1 minute prior to making any change
Calculation of LSALT
Unreported obstacles up to 360 ft:
a. highest greater 360, LSALT 1000 + highest obstacle
b. less than 360, LSALT 1360
c. elevation of highest terrain or obstable not above 500 ft, LSALT not less than 1500 ft
DR position
radius 5nm + 20% air distance flown from last positive fix
Enroute performance requirements by PIC
CAO 20.7.1B, 20.7.2, 20.7.4
RVSM levels and separation
290-410 - 1000 ft
Not RVSM approved - report to ATC
Mandatory equipment entering RVSM
- two independent primary altimetry systems
- mode C-capable SSR transponder
- altitude alert system
- autopilot with height lock
Operational procedure after entering RVSM - must not overshoot or undershoot by how many ft?
150 ft (45 m)
RVSM - Failure of one primary altimeter?
- couple system to autopilot with height lock
- maintain increased vigilance altitude keeping
“NEGATIVE RVSM” in following situations:
- Failure all primary altimeter systems
- Failure of MODE C transponder
- Failure altitude alert system
- Failure autopilot with height lock
Flight level deviation reporting - how many ft?
Must report all deviation greater than 300 ft from aircraft assigned altitude, irrespective of cause
Wake Turbulence Separation Standards - Categories
Super: 380
Heavy: 136,000 max TOW or more
Medium: less than 136,000 but more than 7000
ATC provides wake separation:
- aircraft approach and departure using parallel runways less than 760m
- aircraft operating directly behind at same level or less than 1000 ft
Time and distance based separation - Departure
Super - Medium: Arrival: 3 min Departure Full length: 3 min Intersection: 4 min Distance: 7nm
Heavy - Medium: Arrival: 2 min Departure Full length: 2 min Intersection: 3 min Distance 5 nm