Contingency Procedures Flashcards
Weather deviation - revised ATC clearance not obtained
a. Deviate from track
b. Broadcast ATS frequency in use/121.5
c. watch conflicting traffic both visually and by reference TCAS
d. turn on exterior lights
c. less than 10 miles, stay at assigned altitude
d. greater 10 miles: EAST 000-179 - left descent 300, right climb 300
WEST - left climb 300, right descent 300
e. continue try contact ATC to obtain clearance
f. returning to track, and within approx 10 miles, be at assigned flight level
Deviation - greater than moderate turbulence
a. watch for traffic and make use of lights
b. broadcast 121.5
c. notify ATC asap
d. execute contingency procedures to leave assigned track or route
Aircraft Deviation Other than weather - if unable to obtain revised ATC clearance
Leave assigned route or track by 45 degrees left or right to acquire 15nm offset from same or opposite direction traffic
Subsequent action - able or unable to maintain level
once 10nm, climb or descent that differs from level normally used by 500 ft at or below FL410 or 1000 ft above FL 410