Jealousy / Ch. 10 - pp.404-412 Flashcards
Reactions to cheating (Buss) - do men and women differ in how they feel about infidelity
- men were more upset about physical cheating
- women more upset about emotional cheating
Evolutionary perspective for why men and women differ in feelings towards infidelity
- universal phenomenon
- men and women have different reasons for feeling jealous
- men : paternity uncertanity
- since men uncertain of paternity, evolution favored men who were sensitive to sexual infidelity
- men must avoid eing “cuckholded” (raising someone elses child) meaning they should control womens sexual behavior…
- women: differential investment
- women invest more in parenting so evolution favored women who were more sensitive to threat of loss of investment from mate
- women must avoid getting ill or abandoned
harris and christenfeld - what infidleity makes you more upset
- asked ps to think of a romantic relationship, and pick either a or b of what would be more upsetting
- a) imagine your partner trying sexual positions with that person
- b) imagine your partner falling in love with that person
- women way more upset by choice b than a
- men were equally upset a both
- they were then asked 2 more questions
- if you imagine your partner having sex with someone else, does that mean they are in love
- if your partner is in love with someone else, do you also think they are having sex
- men - see that most ps, assume that sex implies love, also equally believe love implies sex
- women - don’t really think sex implies love, but love implies sex
Double shot explanation - feelings towards infidelity (men v women)
- double shot hypothesis: response to hypothetical infidelity based on differential implication learned through socialization
- men so bothered by physical infidelity beasue it hurts them twice, don’t want partner having sex, because it probably means they are in love with other person - for women its the same kind of thing just in reverse, don’t want there partner in love, they are prob having sex
gender differences in what each type of infidelity means
- men believe that womens sex implies love
- women believe mens love implies sex
- gender differences are due to different assumptions about sex
- both men and women more distressed about emoitonal infidleity when it actually happens
Sabini and Green - what infidelity makes you most upset
(students at private school vs state school vs people at train station)
- ps in 3 samples
- undergrads at state uni
- undergrads at private uni
- people at train station
- asked to imagine partner falling in love or having sex with someone else : asked which one made you more upset, angry, hurt
Results - in the school samples, men reported being more upset over sex vs falling in love, whereas women reported opposite
- in older people sample, both genders were more upset by emotional infidleity
- men and women both reported they would be more hurt by emotional infidelity over sexual infidelity
- when looked at anger, they would both be more angry about sex vs love
- this suggests that when men see the word upset, they think about anger and when women see the word upset, they see hurt
- both genders assigned more blame to partner for sexual infidleity vs emotional
jealousy vs envy
jealousy = intolerance of a rival
envy = discontent at the good fortune of another
dealing with romantic rivals
- jealousy triggered by threat of loss of partner
- by losing a partner to an interloper
- loss of a rival more distressing than sheer rejection
characteristics of interloper - do men and women differ in jealousy levels
- attractive person - he has some status, seems well rounded, life of party, influential to others
- less attractive person - high status, well rounded, life of party, influential
- attractive but less status, doesn’t take initiative, regular dude
- less attractive less status, doesn’t take intitiative, regular guy
- particpants were asked to imagine their partner flirting with one of these guys at a party (DV - jealousy)
- female ps, attractiveness of rival bothered ps more than less good looking, status didn’t really matter
- for women, they kinda assume male ps only care about attractiveness
- for men; they are bothered by both things – most jealousy by status and attractive, but when he is kinda ugly and still has status, they are still mad just less mad
- for en; even if status is low but looks are good its an issue
reactions to jealousy
- verbal aggression = 90% of women do, whereas 60% of men do
- physical aggression = women reported more strongly than men
- crying = women more likely to cry compared to men
- getting drunk = men higher than women
reacting to rivals - slotter, trait study
- the presence of a threatening rival may motivate people to try and retain their partners intrest? how
- people might try to act similarly to romantic rivals
- ps were all in relationships; they rated themselves = athletic, artisitc, warm, intelligent, funny etc
Scenario for each; imagine your meeting your partner for lunch and they are a bit late, as you go to them, you see and overhear your partner being asked directions by a good looking person
CONDITION 1 - the partner provides the rival with directions and the partner thanks the rival. the partner turns around and notices p who they rush towards with a smile
CONDITION 2 - rival flirts with your partner, even tho partner says they are in relationship. rival comments on how cute the partner is, offering their phone number
- during this flirtation, the partner remains cordial but rebuffs the rival, rushing toward p with a smile
CONDITION 3 - the partner flirts with the rival. mentioning how the rival is cute, and offering rival the phone number
- during this, the rival is unreceptive to the partner, and the partner trugdes toward p with an annoyed look on their face
- after this, they all viewed a pic of the rival with their personality traits (three were similar to p and one was different)
- then they completed another personality test to see if they would add this trait
- ofund that when partner is flirting openly with rival, ps will change their trait
- this shows we try to become more like rivals, cognitive way to deal with threat of rival
beliefs about jealousy
- jealousy in an emotional reaction to perceived or real threat
- jealousy is harmful to relationship quality
- trigger for IPV
- some people see jealousy as a sign of love
making our partner jealous
- 75% of people report doing this
- why:
- to seek reward
- to test relationship
- to bolster self esteem
- to improve relationship
- for fun lol
- to punish partner
- revenge
- to teach a lesson
- for control
how do people induce jealousy
relational distancing
- make plans with own group of friends without partner, vague about plans and people we are with, say we are too busy to hang, make plans with rivals
how do people induce jealousy
flirtation facade
- people trying to mislead partners by making them think others were interested, sending themselves flowers, leave fake numbers for partner to find, leave pics of other people
how to induce jealousy
highlight alternatives
- tell partner about all the options, talk about past partners, compare partner, tell partner others are flirting with you
Behavioral reactions to jealousy
- feel angry, anxious and hurt and worry partner will leave them
- feel guility
- feel embarrassed about being insecure
- engage in negtive behaviors they will regret (snoop,, yell)