Japanese JLPT N2 文法 7 Flashcards
“without care/worry”
- without worrying about…
Usage: Nもかまわず・Vるのもかまわず
Note: cannot be used with volitional statements
“despite” - despite…
Usage: V/A/na/Nにもかかわらず
ex) Aにも関わらずB → 関係なく
“whether or not”/”regardless of”
- whether or not (condition)… or, regardless of (condition)….
Usage: Vる・Vない・Aい・Aくない・N にかかわらず
Can also use 「にかかわりなく」
“regardless of”
- used when there is no question or thought about importance of a particular aspect.
Usage: Nを問わず (NOUN ONLY)
ex) 経験の有無をとわず、募集。
- we are accepting applications regardless of experience.
Similar to using や to list things, but there is a feeling of clutter/dirtiness because of everything listed.
Usage: N/A/na/V やら
ex) 机の上は本やらノートやらでいっぱいだ。
- the desk is covered with books, notebooks, and so on.
Used to list examples that fulfil a condition, preceding and related to the main point of the sentence.
Usage: Vるにつけ・Aいにつけ
ex) いいにつけ悪いにつけ、子は親に似る。
- Children learn good and bad habits from their parents.
“regardless of”/”whether or not”
Usage: V/A/na/Nにしろ・V/A/na/Nにせよ
ex) 行くにしろ行かないにしろ、連絡してください。
- regardless of whether you go or don’t go, please contact me.
Used when explaining two things that meet the same criterion. The word preceeding ば/なら is repeated after the 2nd も
N2もV/A/na/N ば N2 もV/A/na/N
N2もV/A/na/N なら N2 もV/A/na/N
ex) 彼は勉強もできればスポーツもできる。
- He is good academically AND in sports.
Indicates a general trend (how something is supposed to be).
Indicates a hope 「希望」.
Used when giving advice.
Usage: Vる/ない・Aい/くない・naな/じゃない ものだ
Informal usage → ~もんだ
“….shouldn’t be done” or “you shouldn’t….”
Usage: Vるものではない
Informal usage → ~もんじゃない
Used to express what is a usual thought about something. 「普通に考えれば~」
Usage: Vる・na・N というものだ
ex) 今日中にこれを全部終わらせるのは無理というものだ。
= It is impossible to finish this all today. (based on reasonable person’s thoughts)
“I will not” or “I do not” or “I am not”
Usage: Vる・Aい・naな・Nな ものか
Also, 「~もんか」「~ものですか」「~もんですか」
“in the area of”
- literally means, “right at the heart/center of”
Usage: Nを中心に
Also, 「~を中心にして」「~を中心にした」
“As a sign of” “to signify”
- used for non-physical offerings
Usage: Nをこめて
ex) 愛をこめて、カードを贈る。
- send a card with love (as a sign of love)
“through” (a means of knowing something, or doing something)
Usage: Nを通じて Nをとうじて
ex) 友人を通じて彼と知り合った。
- I met him through a friend.