Jacksonian Democracy - - Test 2 Flashcards
What was the long and tragic journey of the 5 civilized Tribes to the Indian Territory?
Trail of Tears
What was the name given to the Bank of the United States by Andrew Jackson?
Monster Bank
What was the name of the only political party that ran candidates during the 1824 presidential election?
Republican Party
What was the name that was given to the state banks that were granted deposits from the Bank of the US?
Pet Bank
Who was the spokesman for the South - he favored states rights and wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?
John C. Calhoun
What was the name of the Tariff of 1828 by the South?
Tariff of abomination
What is the process where the winning presidential candidate replaces supporters of his opponent with his own supporters?
Spoil system
What was the political party that was started by Andrew Jackson?
Democratic Party
What was the principle that was supported by the South which stated that states could secede from the Union if they were made to obey unfair laws?
Doctrine of Nullification
Who was the spokesman of the West - named Secretary of State as a result of his support for John Adams in 1824?
Henry Clay
What the name for the set of unofficial advisors of Jackson whose opponents say came into the White House through the kitchen?
Kitchen Cabinet
What was the name of the political party that was started as a result of opposition to Jackson and his policies?
Whig Party
What was the name of the principle where each section of the country places what is best for the region ahead or before what is best for the nation?
What is the type of tax placed on imported goods - - items coming IN from another country - - which would force Americans to buy American produced goods?
Protective tariff
Which President expanded democratic ideals during his 2 terms in office to include more voters?
Andrew Jackson
Who was the transcendentalist who wrote “On Waldon’s Pond”?
Henry David Thoreau
Who was the most famous advocate for women’s rights?
Susan B. Anthony
Who was the editor of “The Liberator”?
William Lloyd Garrison
Who was the editor of “The North Star”?
Frederick Douglas
What was the name given to a group of people who became so emotionally involved in their religious ceremony their bodies trembled?
What was the meeting in upstate New York where women used the Declaration of Independence as their model for grievances against the government for lack of equal women’s rights?
Seneca Falls Convention
What was the organization that bought land in Africa in an attempt to send slaves back to the homeland?
American Colonization Society
What was the name of the liberal college in Northern Ohio that accepted and educated women and African Americans?
Oberlin College
Who invented the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts?
Eli Whitney
Who was the African American woman who spoke out against slavery and was a famous advocate for women’s rights.
Sojourner Truth
What is the name of the organization that bought land in Africa in an attempt to sen slave back to the homeland?
American Colonization Society