Civil War Test - - Part 1 Flashcards
What is the name of the city in Kentucky where the only major Civil War battle occur?
Perryville Kentucky
What is the name of the campaign where the union forces marched toward the Confederate capital sailing down the Chesapeake and landing on the strip of land between York and James Rivers?
The Peninsula
What is the name of the 3 day battle fought in Pennsylvania that was the turning point in the war?
What man turned down Lincoln’s offer to command Union forces and instead decided to command the southern forces when Virginia seceded from the Union?
Robert E Lee
What is the name of the single most important crop the south believed would help them WIN the Civil War?
Who was the President of the UNION side?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was the President of the Confederacy? (South)
Jefferson Davis
What is the name of the fort, where the FIRST shots of the Civil War were launched, which was located in Charleston Bay, South Carolina,
Fr. Sumter
What was the capital of the SOUTH during the Civil War?
Richmond, Virginia
Who was the confederate general who received a famous nickname after the Battle of Bull Run?
General Thomas Jackson
What is the name of the city that is located on the Mississippi River, that when it fell to Union forces, split the south in half?
What is the statement that what issued at the Battle of Antietam, where the president freed all slaves in the states still fighting as of January 1, 1863?
Emancipation Proclamation
What is the name of the general who trained the. Army of the Potomac - won a questionable victory at Antietam and was fired twice by Lincoln?
George B McClellan
What is the name of Lincoln’s famous speech that dedicated a military cemetery in Pennsylvania?
Gettysburg Address
What is the name of the Compromise which was proposed in 1860 - to save the country by extending 36*30 all the way to California?
Crittenden compromise
What is the name of the bloody battle fought near a small white church, whose name meant a “place of peace” where Union troops were surprised the first day but turned the tide and won a key victory?
What side of the Civil War were Indiana, Ohio and Maine?
Union States
What side of the Civil War were South Carolina, Virginia and Texas?
Confederate States
What the the Capital of the Union states?
Washington DC
What were the battles in Virginia that were fought over the same ground, but were one year apart?
Battles of Bull Run
What is the name of the UNION general who won victories at Ft. Donelson, Vicksburg and Chattanooga?
General Ulysses S Grant
What were Kentucky, Missouri and Maryland known as during the Civil War?
Border States
Where did the Seven Days battles occur that resulted in a defeat for the Union forces?
The Peninsula
What is the name of the UNION Plan for winning the Civil War?
Anaconda Plan
What divided the Eastern and Western parts of the war?
The Appalachian Mountains