Chapter 8 Part B - The south And Slavery Flashcards
Who was given credit for inventing the cotton “gin”?
Eli Whitney
What is the Phase that depicted the importance of cotton in the world economy?
Cotton is King
What was the secretive nature of slave religion referred to as?
The Invisible Institution
What is the type of trade where slaves were sold from the eastern slave sates to plantation in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana?
Internal Slave Trade
What was the term given to those slaves who accepted, cared and protected the newly acquired slaves?
Fictive Kin
What is the name given to a man who manages the work of 50 slaves on a large plantation?
What is the name for the set of rules that restricted the movement and freedom of slaves?
Slave codes
What are the songs of bondage, hope and freedom called that were sung by slaves?
What is the name of the famous abolitionists who were the editor of the North Star newspaper?
Frederick Douglass
What was the name that was given to the places that slaves were hidden while trying to escape along the Underground Railroad?
What slave led a slave revolt in 1831 in Virginia and as a result southern states passed much stricter Black codes?
Nat Turner
What is the law where slaves who were caught trying to escape had to be returned to their owner?
Fugitive slave law
What is the place in Lexington, Kentucky where slaves were bought and sold?
Cheapside Slave Auction Block
What is the phrase used by plantation slaves were they outwardly used a cheerful and carefree manner to hide their resentment?
“Put n on old Massa”
What is the program, that was supported by Jefferson, Madison and Clay that wanted to return blacks to Africa?
American colonization Society
Who was the First African American newspaper, that was published by Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm, in American History?
Freedom Journal
What is the name of the woman who was a major part of the Underground Railroad and nicknamed “Grandma Moses” for her heroic efforts?
Harriet Tubman
What is the name of the social institution that was the major difference in the 1850’s that separated the north and the south?
What is the name of the slave who managed the work of 10 slaves on a large plantation?
What is the name for a series of secret routes from the south through the north and onto Canada?
Underground Railroad
What is the invention that stimulated the increase in cotton production and slavery in the south?
Cotton Gin
What was the name given to the people who led escaping slaves from one hiding place to the next hiding place?
What is the name given to the type of slaves that worked out in the cotton fields from sun up to sun down?
Field Slaves
What is the name of the people in the south whose wealth and power were so great.
Large Plantation owners
What is the name of the southern region that became the center of the cotton growing empire?
Old Southwest