American Revolution - Part 2 Flashcards
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What is the name of the British General that replaced William Howe and then fought Washington at Monmouth Court House in New Jersey?
General Henry Clinton
What is the German troops, hired by the British , to fight in America against the colonial army?
Who is the man from South Carolina whom British Col. Banastre Tarleton called, “the swamp fox.”
Francis Marion
Who is the American general that won victories at Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vincennes?
George Rogers Clack
Who was the English king during the Revolutionary war?
George III
At what battle was British general John Burgoyne defeated?
Battle of Saratoga
What is the name of the petition that was sent to King George after the Battle of Bunker, asking him to END the conflict?
Olive Branch Petition
What was the WESTERN boundary of America after the Revolutionary War?
The Mississippi River
What is the name of the battle that is considered the turning point of the war for the Americans?
Battle of Saratoga
What was the name of the winter camp from 1777-1778 that was located in Pennsylvania where General Washington moved to after the defeats at Brandywine Creek and Germantown?
Valley Forge
What is the name of the treaty that aligned the French with the Americans during the war?
Treaty of Alliance
What is the name of the French general who was in charge of 5,000 French troops - sent to America to help the colonists with the war?
General Jean Baptiste Rochambeau
What is the name of the treaty that formally ended the American Revolutionary War?
Treaty of Paris
What is the name of the French admiral that defeated a British fleet at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in 1781?
Admiral Francios deGrasse
What is the name of the site of the FINAL battle of the American Revolution in 1781?
Who was the famous traitor in American History who tried to give the British the fort at West Point?
Benedict Arnold
What is the name of the British general who fought in the south and in Virginia and ultimately surrender to Washington ending the war?
General Charles Cornwallis
What is the name of the British colonel who had the nickname, “hair-buyer” because he purchased American scalps for marauding Indians?
Colonel henry Hamilton
After Washington’s surprise VICTORY at Trenton - - 9 days later he attacked and defeated the British at what Battle?
The Battle of Princeton
Who was the Prussian officer who trained General Washington’s troops into a solid fighting force?
Baron Von Steubenville
Who is the motto - created by General Washington which signified the essence of the upcoming battle?
Victory or Death
What is the name of the pamphlet that was written by Thomas Paine - before the Battle of Trenton that was read to his troops to motivate them for the battle?
The Crisis
What is the name of the slave that was a spy who was imbedded into Cornwallis’ headquarter and gave the American forces valuable information as to the conditions of British troops?
James Armistead
What British General defeated Washington’s army near Philadelphia at Germantown and Brandywine Creek?
General Willam Howe