ITA-Block 5 Flashcards
Minimum En route Altitude
Altitude above sea level between radio fixes on air routes which assures navigational coverage and meets the IFR obstruction clearance requirements
Minimum Reception Altitude
The lowest level above sea level at which acceptable navigational coverage is received to determined the intersection
VFR Navigational Chart
Provides navigational information to pilots during the en route portion of the flight
Scale of 1:500,000
World Aeronautical Chart
Used for longer range international flights
Scale of 1:1,000,000
What are the three methods of representing scale?
Statement in words
A graduted line
Information on a VNC chart
Hydrography Airports Navigation aids Airways and controlled airspace En route hazards (restricted areas, advisory areas, obstructions)
Information found on LO charts
Airways and route data (minimum altitude, headings, distances) Flight information boundaries Limited airport information Radio aids and frequencies Reporting points Special use airspace dimensions
How can you tell what airspace is uncontrolled on a LO chart?
It is shown in green
Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
The altitude above sea level between radio fixes on a low level airway that meets the obstruction clearance requirements
Holding fix
A fix that is specified as a reference point in establishing and maintaining the position of a holding AC
Holding procedure
A predetermined manoeuvre which keeps an AC within specified airspace while awaiting further clearance
Holding pattern
The race track pattern to be flown by holding aircraft.
Holding area
The airspace to the protected for holding AC
What affects the size of a holding area?
The airspeed and altitude
How do airspeed and altitude affect the size of the holding area?
The higher the AC and the greater the airspeed, the larger the holding area
List the components of a holding area
-abeam -holding side -outbound end -non holding side -holding fix- fix end
Instrument approach procedure
A series of predetermined manoeuvres for the orderly transfer of an AC under instrument flight conditions from the initial approach of landing or to a point where a landing may be made visually
Precision approach
An instrument approach by an AC using azimuth and glide path information
Instrument Landing System
Approach that uses a localizer and a glide path to provide both lateral and vertical guidance to the runway
Non precision approach
An instrument approach by an aircraft using azimuth information
What are the non precision navaids?
NDB as a non precision approach navaid
Non Directional Beacon
-this approach uses the bearing info off of one or more NDBs to provide lateral guidance to the AC
LOC as a non precision approach
An ILS approach without glide path information
VOR as a non precision approach
VHF Omnidirectional Range
-this approach uses VOR radials or radials and DME to enable the AC to execute and approach