Issues & Debates Flashcards
free will
idea that humans are self determining and free to choose thoughts and actions
not controlled by biological or external forces
cannot be tested scientifically
-advocated by humanistic approach
free will ao3
idea of fw has face validity as it seems that in our everyday lives we have free will in deciding what to do
fw can have a positive impact on us as high internal LOC- direct their own behaviour- are more likely to be mentally healthy
not scientific and cant be studied empirically
Roberts et al found that adolescents who had strong beliefs in fatalism (events that occur are out of their control) were at greater risk of developing depression
-external LOC are less likely to be optimistic
idea that behaviour is controlled/shaped by internal or external factors
every behaviour has a cause
biological determinism
idea that human behaviour is innate and controlled by genes/hormones/brain activity
eg mental illnesses are due to lack of serotonin or certain neurotransmitter
environmental determinism
behaviour controlled by features in external environment such as reinforcemnent and punishment
eg behaviourist approach
psychic determinism
Freud emphasised the influence of repressed conflicts from childhood
unconciously affect behaviour
inability to pass through psychosexual stages
oral fixation- chewing pens, biting nails
anally retentive- very tidy, stubborn, in control
genital stage- inability to form relationships/ make friends
hard determinism
no action or behaviour is free, it has a cause so it must occur
predicted by events entirely outside a persons control
soft determinism
people have a choice but behaviour is predicted to an extent
constrainted by the environment but only to a certain extent
determinsim ao3
is consistent with the aims of science so has led to development of treatments, therapies eg as we know the cause
hard determinsim stance isnt consistent with the legal system as it still puts blame of behaviour on p even if behaviour is determined by factors we can’t control
offenders are held morally accountable
unfalsifiable as it is impossible to prove wrong as there are so many factors that can affect behaviour
describes the nature of the individual, people are studied as unique entities
doesn’t attempt to compare individual to a larger group
associated with in depth qualitative data eg case studies, unstructured interviews
approaches idio
humanistic- concerned with investigating unique experience of a person, emphasis on the self
psychodynamic- freud used case studies when detailing lives of patients (but he did try to generalise)
idiographic ao3
qualitative methods provide an in depth, complete account of the individual
offers a narrow perspective so ideas may struggle to be generalised, reducing ecological validity
methods eg case studies lack scientific rigor and rely on subjective interpretation- open to bias
lacks replicability
attempts to establish general laws and generalisations about human behaviour
allow people to be compared, classified and measured
uses scientific methods- has a testable hypothesis and collects quantitative data using structured interviews/questionairres, scans, controlled lab/field exps
approaches nom
behaviourists- studied hundreds of animals to establish laws of learning
cognitive- measure performance in memory in tests of large samples
biological- studied lots of human brains to make generalisations of localisation of functions
nomothetic ao3
can develop laws which can be used to predict behaviour and predict how people will respond to treatments
methods are scientific so high internal validity
can generalise data
overlooks richness of human behaviour and may miss important parts of behaviour
cannot find in depth info about people