Issues And Debates Flashcards
What is universality?
Is the idea that there are a range of psychological characteristics of human beings that can be applied to all of us despite differences of experiences.
What is gender bias?
Is a misrepresentation of the gender differences and similarities between males and females.
What is Androcentric?
Biased view, taking a masc perspective with male behaviour as normal, due to historically male dominated psychology.
What is Alpha bias?
Exaggeration of gender differences
What is beta bias?
Minimisation of gender differences
What is culture bias?
Researchers judging other cultures from the researchers’ cultural perspective due to ethnocentrism, where the researcher takes their own cultural behaviour as normal
what is determinism?
behaviours are the result of internal or external forces that we have no control over
research that shows western bias?
Arnett 2008- 96% of participants in studies were American and 2/3 undergraduate students.
what do critics argue in regards to bias?
Generalise tendency to ignore the impact of culture on psych research eg Aschs and Milgrams into obedience showed diff results when replicated in other countries (Kilian and Mann 1974)
What is enthocentlrism?
-seeing the world only through one cultural perspective and believing that the perspective is normal and correct eg Ainsworths strange situation
What is cultural relativism?
Insists that behaviour can be properly understood only if cultural context is taken into account .
What is an Etic?
Behaviour same in every culture
What is an emic?
Looks at cultures within a culture and aims to identify those behaviours which are specific to that culture.
What is an imposed etic?
Tries to generalise concepts and results to all cultures when it may not be relative.
positive evaluation of Cultural bias?.
although we should be careful of generalising specific behaviours, there is some evidence for universal behaviours across cultures like Ekman (1989) found that facial expressions of happiness and disgust
- previous divide of individualism in the west and Collectivism countries like China and Israel no longer relevant use of dichotomy due to globalisation Takano and Naka 1999 14/15 studies found that when comparing the US and Japan found no evidence of traditional individualism .
example of alpha bias?
sociobiological theory- males are interests to impregnate as many women as possible in order to spread genes for a female its best that they have few and spend time with them to nurture