Issues and Debates Flashcards
Outline the free will - determinism debate
Is our behaviour a matter of free will or are we the product of internal and/or external influences?
Are most approaches deterministic or do they advocate for free will?
Most approaches in psychology are deterministic but disagree on the causes of human behaviour
Define free will
- Self-determining
- We are free to make choices
- We are active agents - have an active role in controlling our own behaviour
- There are biological and environmental influences on our behaviour - but free will implies we can reject them
Which approach advocates for free will?
Humanistic approach
Define hard determinism (fatalism)
- All human behaviour has a cause, and it should be possible to identify these causes
- No room at all for free will
Define soft determinism
All human behaviour has a cause, but people have freedom to make choices within a restricted range of options
Outline biological determinism
- The biological approach describes many causes of behaviour, e.g. the influence of the autonomic nervous system on stress or the influence of genes on mental health
- Modern biological psychologists would recognise the mediating influence of the environment on our biological structures (another deterministic influence)
- According to Sam Harris, “free will is an illusion. You are a biochemical puppet.”
Outline environmental determinism
- Skinner described free will as “an illusion” and all behaviour as the result of conditioning
- Our experience of “choice” is the sum total of reinforcement contingencies that have acted upon us throughout our lives
Outline psychic determinism
- Freud emphasised the influence of biological drives and unconscious conflicts in childhood
- Even something as seemingly random as a “slip of the tongue” can be explained by the unconscious
What is one of the basic principles of science in terms of determinism?
- A basic principle of science is that every event has a cause and these can be explained with general laws
- Knowledge of these allows scientists to predict and control events
How are lab experiments the best way for psychologists to demonstrate and explain behaviour?
In psychology, the laboratory experiment allows researchers to simulate the conditions of the test tube and remove all other extraneous variables to demonstrate a causal effect
Free will has practical value. How is this a strength of free will / weakness of determinism?
- Roberts et al. looked at adolescents who had a strong belief in fatalism - that their lives were “decided” by events out of their control
- They were at greater risk of developing depression. People who exhibit an internal locus of control are more likely to be optimistic
- This suggests that, even if we do not have free will, the fact that we believe we do may have a positive impact on mind and behaviour
Evidence from Libet et al. does not support free will, it supports determinism. How is this a strength of determinism / weakness of free will?
- Libet et al. asked participants to randomly flick their wrist and say when they felt the will to move. Brain activity was also measured
- The unconscious brain activity leading up to the conscious decision to move came half a second before the participant’s conscious decision to move
- This may be interpreted as meaning that even our most basic experiences of free will are actually determined by our brain before we are aware of them
Evidence from Libet et al. is not appropriate as a challenge to free will. How is this a weakness of determinism / strength of free will?
- The fact that people consciously became aware of decisions milliseconds after they had begun to enact the decision still means they may have made the decision to act
- Our consciousness of the decision is a “read-out” of our sometimes unconscious decision-making
- This suggests this evidence is not appropriate as a challenge to free will
Determinism is inconsistent with responsibility’s role in law. How is this a weakness of determinism / strength of free will?
- The hard determinist stance is not consistent with the way in which our legal system operates. In court, offenders are held responsible for their actions
- The main principle of our legal system is that the defendant exercised their free will in committing the crime
- This suggests that, in the real world, determinist arguments do not work
Discuss whether or not we want determinism as an evaluation point of the free will - determinism debate
- Determinism places psychology on equal footing with other more established sciences and has led to valuable real-world applications, e.g. therapies
- HOWEVER, free will has intuitive appeal. Most of us see ourselves as making our own choices rather than being “pushed” by forces we cannot control. Some people (e.g. the child of a criminal parent) prefer to think they are free to self-determine
- This suggests that if psychology wants to position itself alongside the natural sciences, determinist accounts are likely to be preferred. HOWEVER, common sense experience may be better understood by an analysis of free will