Islamic beliefs and teaching Flashcards
One who has submitted to the will of God and accepted islam
The name of the religion, to surrender to the will of God and peace.
the oneness and unity of God
Supreme power or authority a quality of God
Oneness of God quotes
‘He is god the one, god the eternal’
‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammud is his prophet’
Supremacy of Gods will impacts
- should accept whatever happens as the will of God
- Inshallah
Supremacy of Gods will quote
‘Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission’
Impact of God’s will on Muslims
- only Allah should be worshipped
- Muhammad respected but not worshipped
- acceptance of bad things
Six articles of faith
- Sunni
1) Only one God
2) angles
3) Qur’an most important
4) Muhammad most important prophet
5) Day of judgement
6) Supremacy of God’s will
The five roots
- Shi’a
2) Prophethood
3) God is just and wise
4) the immamate
5) resurrected for day of judgement
7 nature of God terms
Omnipotent quote
‘He is in charge of everything’
Angles quote
‘Praise be to God…who made angles messengers’
relayed the Qur’an to Muhammad
Purified his heart earlier in his life
angle of mercy
Quote about predestination
‘Only what God has decreed will happen to us’
Sunni muslims belief about predestination
God has already determined everything that will happen in the universe
Shi’a muslims belief about predestination
God knows everything but doesn’t decide everything
Judged according to everything they have done throughout their life
They have free will but and are responsible
Life after death timeline - death
- Akhirah
- Barzakh (waiting conscious in the grave)
- waiting for the day of judgement
- Two angles question about faith
Life after death timeline - DoJ
- When God’s purpose for the universe is fulfilled
- Israfil blows trumpet
- everyone raised from dead
- book of dead, right = heaven, left = hell
Quote for heaven
‘Gardens of happiness’
‘A reward for what they used to do’
Quote for hell
‘Scorching wind and scalding water’
Importance of belief in life after death
Urges muslims to avoid sin and do the right thing
Belief in prophets and their importance
When someone is made a prophet
What do prophets do
Provide a method of communication between God and human beings
- first prophet
- ‘he first created man from clay’
- ‘He taught adam all the names’
-refused to bow down to Adam
- thrown out of paradise
- Iblis deceived him and Eve
- actions brought sin to the world
Why is Ibrahim important
- Muhammad descended from him
- determined to discover who created the universe
- Determined to stop idol worship
- Miracle occurred when he was set on fire
- willingness to sacrifice his son
- house of God
- holiest place in Islam
- Go there on Hajj
Ibrahim celebrated
- sacrifice animals (his son)
- throw stones at pillars like he did at the devil
Muhammad quote
‘He is God’s messenger and the seal of the prophets’
‘Who is better in religion that someone who devotes themselves wholly to God.’
The Torah
- first 5 books of the bible
The Psalms
- Revealed to David
- similar in the bible
The Gospel
Book divinely revealed to Jesus
2 quotes for the Qur’an
‘This is the scripture in which there is no doubt’
‘This truly is the glorious Qur’an’
The gospel quote
‘Went sent Jesus…We gave him the Gospel’