Ischemic Heart Disease Flashcards
What are the two main causes of ischemic heart disease?
Atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic
What are atherosclerotic causes of coronary heart disease?
Angina pectoris and acute coronary syndrome
What are the two branches of acute coronary syndrome?
STEMI (st-elevation MI) and NSTEMI (non-st elevated MI)
Explain ischemia:
Decreased blood supply to the myocardium or increased demand for blood
Explain infarction:
Death or necrosis of tissue with results from prolonged ischemia or total occlusion of blood flow to the tissue
What are the most common causes of ischemia?
Coronary arterial disease (plaque in the vessel which impedes blood flow), and increased metabolic demand:
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Aortic stenosis
Describe stable angina:
Predictable, regular chest pain that is manageable
Describe unstable angina:
Non-predictable, intense, medication helps minimally
What are two other types of angina?
Variant angina and microvascular angina
What is variant angina also known as?
Prinzmetals Angina (caused by coronary artery spasm, occurs in between 1-6 am, unrelated to exercise)
What is microvascular angina due to?
Microvascular dysfunction
What is CABG?
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
What happens in CABG?
GSV or internal mammary artery harvested, one end proximal and other distal to blockage
When is CABG performed?
When angioplasty (balloon and stent) cannot be done:
- When blockage is unreachable percutaneously
- Too many blockages to stent (>3-4)
What is the treatment for ischemia/angina/chest pain?
Nitroglycerine (nitrates) are given (pills/spray/aspirin) to lower cause vasodilation (reduces arterial resistance and causes veinous congestion reducing preload).
What is used to prevent thrombi?
- Antiplatelet drugs: ASA/Aspirin, plavix
2. Anticoagulants: Warfarin/coumadin, pradax
What are the downsides to CABG? (3)
- Higher mortality rates than angioplasty
- Longer recovery time
- Cant be done on weak patients
What do beta blockers do?
Lower HR, BP, and afterload (lowers O2 demand)
What do calcium channel blockers do?
Lower muscle contraction lowering after load
What is the gold standard for IHD diagnosis?
Coronary angiogram