IR 002: Lecture 21 Flashcards
What is Terrorism?
The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear. Terrorism is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological
what is the priofile of most suicide terrorist?
- Uneducated
- Unemployed
- Isolated
- Single
- Young men
What is Islamic extremism (radical Islamism)?
Political philosophy that says that, in order to defend a carefully defined vision of Islam and protect pious Muslims around the world, one has to impose, essentially, a 7th century political structure over the people of the Islamic world, and that this political structure must be implemented by violent Jihad, or Holy War
What historical milestones before 9/11 related to Islamic extremism?
- European colonialism in the Middle East revived radical Islamism
- Creation and expansion of Israel
- 1979 Iran’s Islamic revolution
- Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989)
How did the jihadists respond to US aiding them in wining the Soviet-Afghan war?
After the Soviets were defeated the jihadist turned against the US, Israel, and Western Modernity
When was Al-Qaeda created?
1988 by Bin Laden
Why did Al-Qaeda turn against the US?
Bin Laden saw the US-led war against Iraq as the US occupation of Holy Sites
What were the goals of Al-Qaeda?
- Sow division: Muslim vs. Non-Muslim
- Make the US initiate costly wars
- Create Jihadist momentum
- Cause US recession
What was the response of President Bush Jr. to the Attacks of 9/11?
- Bolster domestic security
- Launch the Global War on Terror
- Prevent cooperation between terrorist and rogue states
- Launch pre-emptive interventions
- Fix failed states
- Promote democracy across the Greater Middle East
What was the flawed conceptualization of the Global War on Terror?
- Endless duration
- global geographic scope
- Legitimized the narrative about Islam vs. Christianity
- Wars fueled by terrorism
- The US facilitated the rise/resurgence of other great powers
what was Obamas approach to the Global War on Terror?
- Scale down the US democratization agenda
- Leave Iraq
- Use cheaper tools
- Refocus on Afghanistan
- In the long term (focus on China’s rise)
What was Trumps approach to the Global War on Terror?
- Continue the war against ISIS (killed ISIS leader and ISIS lost 95% of its territory)
- Wanted to focus on China so created peace deal with the Taliban
What was Bidens approach to the Global War on Terror?
- Scaled-down the Global War on Terror to refocus on China
- However the War on Terror still continued to an extent
What is the remaining terrorist threat?
- ISIS has ~6000-10000 fighters in Iraq/Syria
- Iran supports terrorist movements across the region
What was the cost of the War on Terror for the US?
- Approximately 15000 deaths
- 70000 Seriously wounded
- Cost ~$8 Trillion
What was the cost of the War on Terror for the civilians in the Greater Middle East?
- 879000 to 929000 deaths
- Disease
- Hunger and water stress