IR 002: Lecture 14 Flashcards
What is the definition of war?
A contention between two or more states through their armed forces, for the purpose of overpowering each other
What are the four main assumptions about war?
-Led by states and their militaries
-Conducted rationally
-Focus on the battlefield
-Seen as tragic but necessary
What is the relationship between war and peace?
Theoretically, their is a clear distinction between war and peace, However, the relationship between the two is more complex/ambiguous:
-In times of peace, one prepares for war, and vice-versa
-Most recent wars have ended inconclusively (no peace deal)
-Peace goes way beyond the absence of war
-Peace is not necessarily good (there can be oppression without war, lack or resources for survival, lingering sense of dishonor (leading to revanchism), etc.)
What are the 3 types of international wars?
-Interstate wars
-Militarized interstate disputes (MID’s)
-Extra-state wars
What is an interstate war?
When two or more national governments direct military forces against each other in organized sustained, and oftentimes deadly clashes (over 1000 combat fatalities over a minimum of 12 months)
What is a militarized interstate dispute?
A state threatens to use force against another state, mobilizes or moves military forces against the other in a threatening manner, or two states engage in military clashes at a level of severity below full-scale war (ex. China/Japan/Taiwan dispute over Senkaku islands):
-Display of military power (ex. Troops at the border)
-Limited use of force
What is an extra-state war?
A violent clash (>1000 combat deaths) between the national government of a recognized state and an entity in a foreign territory that is not an internationally recognized state, or is a non-state actor located in a foreign state (ex. War against Al-Qaeda/ISIS)
Approximately how many interstate wars occurred between 1816-2007?
95 (declining)
Approximately how many militarized interstate disputes (MID’s) occurred between 1816-2010?
Approximately how many extra-state wars occurred between 1816-2007?
162 (declining)
How were wars interstate wars between 1816-2007 and in the 20th century?
1816-2007: 32 Million combat deaths
20th century: 50 million casualties
In the modern era (1649-…) what are some of the causes for the rising potential for destruction from wars?
-State centralization
-Rise of nationalisms
-Rising population levels
In what century did warm become as deadly as disease and famine?
20th century
What is the “nuclear revolution”
Nukes make large-scale aggressions less likely (because aggressions may trigger a nuclear retaliation)
How has war evolved in the postmodern era?
-Media Warfare (battle of narratives)
-Higher focus on Human Rights
-Rise of Private Military Companies (ex. Blackwater, Dyncorp, etc.)
What is the United States’ “Revolution in Military Affairs “ (RMA)?
-Conviction that technological superiority would help the United States win in all circumstances
-1990-1991 Gulf War: US Masterpiece (lightning victory against Iraq)
What are the main features of the Revolution in Military Affairs?
-Speed (ex. logistics)
-Precision (ex. surgical strikes)
-Information (ex. internet, satellites, cameras, etc.)
-Robotization (ex. drones)
What are critiques against the Revolution in Military Affairs?
-Surgical strikes are a myth (ex. civilian casualties still occur)
-Technological superiority does not mean one can ignore the political/social dimensions of war (ex. corruption of local allies, hostile geographical environment, enemy’s higher commitment, local population supports the enemy)
-The United States has lost many wars