IOI-1 Cold shutdown to Gen carrying min load Flashcards
Purpose of IOI-1?
to provide directions for taking the Reactor from a COLD SHUTDOWN, depressurized condition to a fully pressurized condition with the Main Generator synchronized to the grid carrying minimum load
What are the indications of a COUPLED control rod
attempt to withdraw control rod past position 48 and verify ABSENCE of the control rod overtravel annunciator.
Full out shall be verified to correspond to the red LED FULL OUT indicator per tech specs.
indications of an UNCOUPLED control rod?
And what to do if a control rod is uncoupled
attempt to withdraw past position 48 and receive overtravel annunciator. If this happens:
Stop control rod withdrawals, Notify shift supervision, and refer to Control Rod/Drive Malfunctions ONEP
What is the minimum allowed stable reactor period?
> = 90 seconds
What to do if you have a short reactor period?
Insert control Rod.
Must have shift supervision to withdraw rods after they have been inserted due to a short reactor period
Can you take reactor critical using continuous withdrawal?
short delays in rod movement is considered how long?
< 30 minutes
short delays in rod movement (< 30 minutes) can result in reactor becoming temporarily subcritical. What should happen then?
control rod movement may continue, and re-criticality achieved provided Shift Management AND Reactor Engineer concur. Single notch withdrawal WILL be used until criticality is again achieved.
What operator actions are required if the Scram region of the power/flow map is entered?
If OPRMs operable, then exit region. IF < 2 OPRMs, then Insert Scram
What is the minimum reactor vessel flange and head flange temperatures when reactor vessel head studs are tensioned?
RX vessel & head flange > 70F when Rx head bolts tensioned
What are the heatup rate limits, and how often to you take them?
Admin < 90F
Tech Spec < 100F
plot every 15 minutes
record every 30 minutes
State the minimum feedwater temperature for injection into the reactor and the reason for this limit
FW temp > 70F to prevent brittle fracture (PROTECT THE FEEDWATER FLUED HEADS)
State the maximum drywell pressure during startup.
DW < 1# to prevent inadvertent scrams, ctmt isolations, AND ECCS initiation
state the TS limit for drywell average air temperature
DW < 135F
State the maximum Rx power level for use of the MVPs
MVP used < 5% power due to hydrogen production and dose rates in Turbine bldg
the conditions when the ECCS line break detection indications are considered to be valid
ECCS line break VALID if > 80% power AND > 90% Core flow
What actions should be taken if any LP stop or control valve fails closed?
Reduce power < 79%
State the minimum time the main turbine must be on the turning gear for cold and hot startup?
cold start = no time required
hot start = 1.5 hours if not taken off turning gear or being handjacked following unit shutdown
State the high pressure turbine upper to lower casing differential temp that requires the main turbine to be shutdown
HP casing upper and lower should not exceed > 60F diff.
Shutdown Turbine if > 80F
State the minimum main condenser vacuum with turbine load < 50% and the reason for the limit
Vacuum > 26.5” Hg
This is necessary since there is very little steam cooling on the last stage turbine blades below 50% load
State how long the turbine generator may be in operation UNLOADED at 1800 rpm.
if upper and lower casing DT remains <= 60F AND LP exhaust hood temperatures are maintained with or without Exhaust hood sprays being auto or man initiated.
IF the above temp limits cannot be met, then turbine speed should be reduced to 400 rpm or turbine tripped to prevent turbine damage due to blades overheating.
What are the RFPT critical speeds?
3100-3200 rpm
3279-3379 rpm
IOI definition: STANDBY per soi:
All checksheets in SOI are complete as appropriate
System WILL respond properly upon automatic or manual initiation
Equipment MAY be tagged out, provided system is NOT prevented from meeting its intended function
IOI definition: OPERATION per its soi.
All checksheets in SOI are complete as appropriate
System is performing its intended function in the required manner
Equipment may be tagged out, provided system is NOT prevented from meeting its intended function
IOI definition: READY FOR OPERATION per its soi
All checksheets in SOI are complete as appropriate
System will respond properly when IOI so directs
Equipment may be tagged out, provided system is NOT prevented from meeting its intended function
Why must the suction and discharge valves for both recirc pumps be open, OR seal purge isolated prior to starting a CRD pump?
prevent inadvertent over pressurization of recirc loops
What 3 surveillances must be performed prior to startup if not performed within the last 7 days?
IRM Functional Test
APRM functional test surveillances
Weekly Ops logs
Who must be notified at least 3 hours prior to startup?
What would require the Reactor head vent to be lined up to the main steam line?
If inboard MSIVs are open, OR if coolant temperature is >= 210F
the normal lineup is to the drywell equipment sump. We do not want it to boil when coolant temp is high
What upper management positions that permission must be obtained from to commence a reactor startup:
AOM/GMPO has to sign the form, but they are just signing it saying that they got permission from VP/SR VP level people to startup
Which SRM recorder is placed in fast speed prior to a reactor startup?
highest reading SRM
What are the indications of a critical reactor?
considered critical when it is slightly supercritical as indicated by:
increasing neutron count rate without control rod movement
When should a second reactor operator be stationed to monitor reactor power?
Whenever reactor is critical AND turbine bypass AND control valves are closed. A second RO should be stationed whenever FW flow or Recirc flow is adjusted, recirc pumps are started, OR control rods are moved.
What minimum information must be recorded in the control room operator log when the reactor becomes critical?
time Group/Gang Rod positions in gang (3 or 4) Recirc Loop A/B temp Period
How much overlap is required between SRM and IRM ranges prior to withdrawing SRM detectors?
SRMs fully inserted
SRM is below upscale rod block
ASSociated IRM(s) are greater than 2/40 on range 1 (downscales clear)
State the vacuum range that is maintained when using the MVPs
between 20 and 26” Hg vacuum
State the action required when main condenser vacuum improves to 12”
position NSSSS DIVS 1,2,3,4 CNDSR LO VAC BYP switches to NORMAL.
State the action required when main condenser vacuum improves to 20”
ensure at least one Offgas H2 Analyzer is in service
State the bypass valve position that must exist to startup a RFPT
10% bypass to start RFPT
State the differential pressure that is maintained between the RFPT discharge and reactor pressure when using a RFPT in startup level control
200-250 psig above reactor
State when the IRMs are fully withdrawn
Approximately 15% reactor power
withdraw all IRM detectors to the FULL OUT position per SOI and place on Range 2
How many and when channels of the OPRMs have to be operable?
At least 3 channels of the OPRM upscale function MUST be operable when >= 16.8% of rated thermal power. OTHERWISE, INITIATE alternate methods of stability monitoring (THI watch)
what is the importance of ensuring that RPS pressure transmitters are vented after generator sync, but before exceeding the EOC-RPT setpoints?
These are the transmitters that tell RPS that the stop and control valves have closed so it may not be accurate when the EOC-RPT scram is required to be operable
state the cooler groups operation requirements prior to main transformer energizing the main transformers
to avoid static electrification AND catastrophic failure in main transformers when de-energized, main transformer oil cooler groups should NOT be operated PRIOR to transformer energization.
State the maximum time the main turbine generator 500kv breakers may be energized while open, and the reason for this time limit
< 30 min so voltage gradient capacitors don’t overheat
State the normal generator output voltage
22 kV
State when load demand is placed in service.
12 percent (182 Mwe) load
State when the feedwater master level controller is placed in service.
FW flow > 3 mlbm/hr
state the maximum reactor power level allowed by IOI-1
must complete steps in IOI-2 prior to excdeeding 21.8% power
State who is required to sign a completed IOI-1?
During Rx startup, who must be assigned to verify that the correct control rod is selected before movement?
Reactor Engineer, STA, OR Licensed Operator
When the Mode switch in startup: an APRM rod block occurs at?
With the mode switch in Startup: an APRM scram occurs at?
With Mode switch in RUN, and APRM rod block occurs if Rx power decreases below what percent?
When IRMs are between Range 3 and range 8, and SRMs are being withdrawn, what must SRM counts be maintained between?
10^2 to 10^5 cps
explain entering the controlled entry region:
controlled entry region may be entered intentionally for plant maneuvers, WHEN alternate methods of stability protection are in effect AND intentionally entering the controlled entry region, maintain fraction of core boiling boundary FCBB <= 1
Why do we NOT shift to FW master level control before 3 mlbm/hr FW flow during power ascension?
FW flow of < 3mlbm/hr may cause Rx water level to become unstable WHEN level control is on the FW Master Level Controller
Place in service or remove from service Condensate Cleanup Demineralizers to maintain flow through an individual vessel between ? gpm and ? pressure.
maintain flow through an individual vessel between 2000 and 4600 gpm, AND individual vessel dP < 25 psid
Ensure APRM gains remain adjusted to within what percent of Rated thermal power during low powers?
this is to ensure that the Reactor Scram signal from a turbine trip remains bypassed until 26% power. Failure to do this could result in a reactor scram during resetting of the main turbine.
Enter the LOss of condenser vacuum ONEP if?
if at any time, main turbine is OPERATING with Rx power at <= 51% AND condenser vacuum is < 26.5” Hg
When do you start your first CBP?
What is done at 15% power?
start 2nd booster pump
What is done @ 18% power?
Turbine roll/ sync generator