IO PSYCH SNOREFEST 2021 Flashcards
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Equal Employment Opportunity act; one can’t discriminate on basis of anything.
Bans discrimination in employment, transpo, access to building based on physical disabilities.
Griggs v Duke Power company
Tests that measured broad abilities, in which minority groups passed at a lower rate than whites, were unfair to use in regard to making hiring decisions.
3 problems can result in discrimination. First is adverse impact
Based on 4/5ths rule, which states that the percentage of minorities selected must be at least 4/5ths of the percentage of non-minorities selected.
EX: Med school applicants. If out of 100 non-minority applicants, twenty are selected, the selection ratio is .2. .2 times .8 is .16, so minimal acceptable rate for selection of minority applicants is 16%.
Second problem is UNFAIRNESS
Unfairness occurs when minorities and non-minorities score differently on the predictor test, yet perform similarly on criterion.
EX: MCAT or GRE. Minorities tend to perform worse, but the performance is not representative of performance in grad/med school.
Differential validity means that the test is more valid for predicting the performance for one group than another.
Job analysis
Describes the nature of the tasks performed by workers on a particular job.
Critical incident technique
Ascertaining the specific actions that lead to desirable or undesirable consequences on the job.
Biographical inventory
covers applicant’s life in greater detail. Correlates higher with desirable/undesirable characteristics. Good predictor of job success.
Interviewer biases (FNTIT):
First impression bias: tendency to be swayed by initial impression of candidate.
Negative information bias: tendency for 1 or 2 negative items to cause interviewer to overlook strengths.
Contrast effect: interviewer’s ratings of a candidate are affected by performance of previous candidate.
Interviewer prejudices: personal likes, dislikes, beliefs affecting assessment of applicant.
Halo effect: generalizing from one characteristic to the entire candidate in a positive or negative direction (attractiveness –> likeable).
Different job applicant tests (5):
Cognitive ability (good predictor), personality tests (bad predictor), interest tests (poor predictors), work sample (good), test batteries (good).
Assessment Center
Method of selection that places new job applicants and candidates for promotion in a simulated job situation. EX: Men in black lol
Selection procedures – multiple regression approach
Low scores on one predictor can be compensated for by high scores on another (e.g., low GPA accounted for by high SAT).
Selection procedures – multiple cutoff
Noncompensatory – only applicants who exceed the cutoff on each predictor will be considered (e.g., only if GPA is higher than 3, SAT higher than 1400).
Selection procedures – multiple hurdle
Predictors are applied in a particular order, and an applicant must pass the cutoff score on the first predictor in order to continue in the selection process. (e.g., first 3.0, then 1400).
Performance is a function of ____, ____, and ____.
Ability, motivation, opportunity.
Three methods for employee appraisals
Objective, subjective, focused
Subjective- Comparative
Straight rankings
Listing workers from best to worst
Subjective- Comparative
Forced distribution
Ranked to fit a distribution(bell curve)
Subjective- Comparative
Paired comparison
Each employee is compared to every other employee in pairs
Subjective- Individual methods
Graphic rating
Involves ratings on several aspects (quantity, punctuality) assessed on Likert scale.
Subjective- Individual methods
Behaviorally anchored rating scales
Based on critical incidents. EX: employees rated on various aspects of job that are linked to performance.
Subjective- Individual methods
Behavioral observation scale
BOS involves rating the extent to which a person engages in every behavior.
Subjective- Individual methods
Forced choice
Rater must choose between 2 seemingly equally desirable/undesirable choices.
Subjective- Individual methods
Behavioral checklist
Checks of all descriptives that apply to employees being rated.
Instrument errors
Deficiency errors
Excluding important aspects of the job from evaluations.
Instrument errors
Contamination errors
Rating an employee on non-important aspects of the jobs
Tasked-based rater biases
Strictness set
Rater is overly strict and gives everyone low ratings
Tasked-based rater biases
Leniency set
Rater is overly lenient and gives everyone scores high..