Invasive Clostridia - Exam 2 Flashcards
True/False. C. perfringes is motile by petrichious flagella.
C. perfringes is non-motile, but other clostridia are motile by petrichious flagella.
What are the diseases caused by invasive clostridium?
Histotoxic (tissue) and enterotoxacemias (GI tract) diseases
C. perfringens, C. difficile, C. novyi, C. haemolyticum, C. septicum, C. chauvoei, C. sordelii
Which invasive clostridium is the most frequently isolated pathogenic bacterium?
C. perfringens
What diseases are caused by non-invasive clostridium?
Neurotoxic diseases
C. botulinum and C. tetani
How many toxins does C. perfringens produce? What are they?
5 types of toxins
Alpha toxin
Beta toxin
Epsilon toxin
Iota toxin
Perfringolysin (theta toxin)
What type of toxin is produced during sporulation for Type A C. Perfringens?
Produced by 10% of C. perfringens
How many types of C. perfringens are present in animal diseases?
A, B, C, D, E
What is the reservior for C. perfringens?
Intestinal tract of humans and animals
Survival in soil is variable
How is C. perfringens generally transmitted?
Ingestion and wound infection
Which type of invasive clostridia is a great differential diagnosis to the following diseases:
Malginant edema
Black leg
Big head of rams
C. perfringens Type A
Which toxin is most important to a Type A C. perfringens wound infection?
Alpha toxin!
The capsule and perfingolysin O play a big role also
Which toxin produced by C. perfringens causes hemolysis, necrosis and lethality?
Alpha toxin
Produced by ALL C. Perfringens
What conditions would you expect to see with a Type A. C. perfringens wound infection?
Anaerobic cellulitis and gas gangrene
Which toxin produced by C. perfringens forms pores in instestinal epithelial cells and endothelial cells?
Beta toxin
What in colostrum favors the action of the beta toxin produced by C. perfringens?
Protease (trypsin) inhibitors
Which type of toxin produced by C. perfringens is necrotizing and lethal in epithelial and endothelial cells?
Epsilon toxin
Where does the epsilon toxin of C. perfringens concentrate? What activates it?
Concentrates in the brain and kidney (damages microvasculature)
Activated by trypsin
Which toxin produced by C. perfringens affects the cellular cytoskeleton and results in death of the affected cell?
Iota toxin
Which toxin produced by C. perfringens causes fluid and electrolyte abnormalities?
Which toxin produced by C. perfringens is important for escaping the phagolysosome?
Perfringolysin O (theta toxin)
What are the important toxins for Type A C. perfringens enterotoxemia?
Perfringlolysin O
What disease does Type A C. perfringens entertoxemia cause?
Yellow lamb diseases
(outbreaks of gastritis and hemolytic diseases of ruminants)
Which toxin of C. perfringens is the principle factor for producing hemorrhagic enteritis in the small intestine? Which type of C. perfringens is this toxin the principle factor for?
Beta toxin (Dont forget: SUSCEPTIBLE TO TRYPSIN!)
Type B C. perfringens enterotoxemia
Which disease is caused by Type B C. perfringens enterotoxemia?
Causes lamb dysentery in newborn lambs
Who is most suscepitble to Type C C. perfringens entertoxemia? What does this type cause?
Neonatal calves, foals, piglets, and lambs WORLDWIDE
Causes hemorrhagic enteritis