intususseption, meckels diverticulum and volvulous Flashcards
whcih parts of the bowel telescope intususseption?
illeum through caecum
what is the investigation of choice for intususseption?
USS showing target like mass
when will surgery be performed for intususseption?
- if signs of peritonitis
- if air insufflation has failed
when does intususseption ussually occur?
6-18 months
does intususseption affect boys or girls more?
what is the clinical picture for intususseption?
paroxysmal abdominal colic pain
during paroxysm the infant will characteristically draw their knees up and turn pale
bloodstained stool - ‘red-currant jelly’ - is a late sign
sausage-shaped mass in the right upper quadrant
what is meckels diverticulum a remenant of?
- omphalomesenteric duct- used to connect the midgut to the yolk sac but is replaced by the placenta
what is the rule of 2s for meckels divertulum?
occurs in 2% of the population
is 2 feet from the ileocaecal valve
is 2 inches long
what is a meckels diverticulum?
congenital diverticulum of the small intestine
what is the treatment for meckels diverticulum?
wedge excision
how does meckels diverticulum present?
abdominal pain mimicking appendicitis
rectal bleeding
Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common cause of painless massive GI bleeding requiring a transfusion in children between the ages of 1 and 2 years
intestinal obstruction
secondary to an omphalomesenteric band (most commonly), volvulus and intussusception
what type of malrotation/ volvulous is more common in paediatrics?
small bowel
what is the ussual presentation for volvulous?
billious vomiting
what is a complication of volvullous?
superior mesenteric artery supply is comprimised
how is volvulousinvestigated?
contrast study