childhood vaccination schedule Flashcards
what vaccination is required at birth?
BCG if patient has risk factors
what is in the 6 in 1 vaccine?
diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and hepatitis B
how is the 6 in 1 vaccine given?
inject to thigh
when is 6 in 1 vaccine given?
2,3,4 months
what type of vaccine is the 6 in 1?
killed (inactivated)-= does not contain any live organisms, so no risk of baby getting conditions from vaccine
which babies should not have 6 in 1 vaccine?
are allergic to the vaccine
have a high temperature at the time of the vaccination appointment – wait until they’ve recovered
have a neurological problem that’s getting worse, including poorly controlled epilepsy – wait until they’ve been seen by a specialist
what are common reactions to the 6 in 1 vaccine?
pain, redness and swelling where the injection was given
high temperature (more common after the 2nd and 3rd doses)
being sick
loss of appetite
When are the MMR vaccines given?
12-13 months
3-4 years
what is contained in the 4 in 1 preschool booster?
diptheria, tetanusm whooping cough, polio
when do children have their 4 in 1 booster?
3-4 years
what ages is it reccomended to have the annual flu vaccine?
2-8 years
what vaccines do you have at 12-13 months?
Hib/Men C
Men B
when is the meningitis ACWY given and what does it cover?
meningicoccal vaxxine coveing ACW and Y serotypes - ussually given at 18 before starting university
what is in the 3 in 1 vaccine?
tetanus, diptheria, polio
which babies are though to be at risk and needing BCG?
TB in the family in the past 6 months