congenital heart defects Flashcards
what condition its VSD most associated with?
fetal alcohol syndrome
what condition is PDA most associated with?
congenital rubella
what condition is ASD associated with?
ASD (ostium primum type) is associated with Down’s syndrome.
what condition is transposition of the great vessels associated with?
maternal diabetes
what condition is turners syndrome most associated with?
coarctation of the aorta -causes hypertension in upper extremities and weak pulses in the lower extremities.
what happens in eisenmengers syndrome?
Left to right shunts (ASD, VSD, and PDA) will cause increased flow in the pulmonary circulation leading to pathologic remodelling of vasculature and pulmonary hypertension.
RVH occurs to compensate and the shunt is reversed (now right to left). This will present as late cyanosis, polycythaemia and clubbing.
how is polycythaemia treated?
how long does the PDA take to close in term babies?
what are the acyanotic heart conditions?
- ventricular septal defect
- atrial septal defect
- coarctation of the aorta
- patent ductus arteriosus
- all cause left to right shunting
what are the cyanotic heart defects?
- tetralogy of Fallot
- transposition of the great arteries
3, truncus arteriosus
what type of murmur is present with atrial septal defect?
ejection systolic murmur, fixed splitting of S2- because of prolonged emptying of the right ventricle which delays pulmonic closure
what type of murmur is present with ventricular septal defect?
pan-systolic murmurloudest at theleft lower sternal border
palpable thrill - larger VSD can cause parasternal heave and displaced apex beat
what type of murmur is present with a patent ductus arteriosus?
continuous crescendo-decrescendo“machinery” murmur
what is the effect of pulmonary hypertension on heart sounds?
Loud P2:loud second heart sound due to forceful shutting of the pulmonary valve
what type of management is used for VSD when Eisenmenger’s is present?
closure not recommended and can use pulmonary vasodilators like sildenafil