apendicitis Flashcards
what is apendicitis and what is it caused by?
- acute inflamation and bacterial infection of the apendix
- occuring due to luminal obstruction by hard stool, lymphoid hyperplasia of pyers patch or fibrous stricture
what are risk facotrs for apendicitis
- Young age: the highest incidence is between 10-20 years of age [2]
Male - Frequent antibiotic use: causes an imbalance in gut flora and a modified response to subsequent infection which may trigger appendicitis
- Smoking
what is the clinical triad for apendicitis?
- central abdominal pain migrating to the right illiac fossa
- low grade pyrexia
- annorexia
what signs would suggest perforation of the appendix?
Tachycardia, hypotension and generalised peritonism
what is rovsigns sign?
pain in the right iliac fossa is worsened by pressing on left iliac fossa; now thought to be of limited diagnostic value
what is psoas sign?
pain is worsened by extending the hip
what is obturators sign?
pain is worsened by flexing and internally rotating the hip
what are the primary investigations for apendicitis?
FBC: leukocytosis and neutrophilia is seen in up to 90% of patients
CRP: raised due to inflammation
U&Es: acute kidney injury in dehydration secondary to vomiting, or in instances of perforation and sepsis
Group & save: important to conduct prior to surgical intervention
Urinalysis: perform in all patients to exclude renal colic, a urinary tract infection or pregnancy in women; in appendicitis, there may be a mild leukocytosis without nitrites
what imatging investigations for apendicitis?
Abdominal ultrasound: preferred in children, pregnant, and breastfeeding women and may show a non-compressible inflamed appendix however the appendix often cannot be visualised; sensitivity is 86% and specificity is 81%
CT abdomen/pelvis with contrast: CT has a 95% sensitivity and specificity for appendicitis; becoming increasingly used as the first diagnostic test for appendicitis
MRI abdomen/pelvis: mainly reserved for pregnant women when ultrasound is non-diagnostic
what is initial management of apendicitis?
Fluids: patients will require hydration due to fluid losses, as well as due to being nil-by-mouth prior to surgery
Analgesia: patients can be in considerable pain
Antiemetics: can be given for nausea and vomiting e.g. ondansetron
Preoperative IV antibiotics: prophylactic antibiotics are associated with reduced wound infection rates, e.g. ceftriaxone and metronidazole
what is definitive management of apendicitis?
prompt appendicectomy: laparoscopic appendicectomy. Significant abdominal lavage is required for perforated appendicitis
Postoperative antibiotics: usually given for only 24 hours, but occasionally patients are discharged on a brief course of oral antibiotics if the appendix was perforated or necrotic
what are the complications of appendicitis?
Perforation (15-20%): if left untreated, there is a significant risk of appendiceal rupture, which will lead to sepsis and death if untreated
Appendiceal mass: a walled-off perforated appendix may form a mass in the right iliac fossa; for patients with an appendix mass without peritonitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually offered with consideration of an interval
Abscess: inflammation may cause the formation of a localised collection of pus in proximity to the appendix, which will require drainage