Introduktion til antibiotic resistance Flashcards
Origin for 1) aminoglycosider, 2) PhenicolsS, 3) TetracyclinesS, 4) CephalosporinsS, 5) MacrolidesS, 6) PenicillinsS, 7) Quinolones, 8) Sulfonamides,
1-3) Streptomyces spp. 4) Cephalosporium sp 5) Actinomycetes 6) Penicillium sp 7-8) Syntetisk
Hvilke antibiotikaer inhiberer 1) cellevægs syntese 2) Protein syntese 3) Inhibering af replikation og transription 4) Ødelæggelse af membran 5) inhibering af essentielle metabolitter
1) pencillin, cephalosporin, vancomycin
2) Chloramfenikol, erythromycin, tetracyclin, streptomycin
3) Quinolones
4) Polymoxin B
6) Sulfa - TMP
Antibiotika produceret af svampe og bakterier vs syntetiske AB. Hvem er mest toksiske og effektive
De naturlige er mest toksiske og effektive imens de syntetiske er mindre effektive og mindst toksisk
Nævn 2 beta-lactamer
Penicillin og Cephalosporiner
Forklar generation 1-4 hos cephalosporiner
Gram-positive: Activity against penicillinase-producing staphylococci
and streptococci. No activity against MRSA or enterococci.
Gram-negative: Activity against Proteus mirabilis, some Escherichia
coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae (PEcK) but no activity against
Bacteroides fragilis, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Enterobacter or
2) Gram-positive: Less than first-generation.
Gram-negative: Greater than first-generation: HEN (Haemophilus
influenzae, Enterobacter and Neisseria + PEcK.
3) Gram-positive: Some (in particular those available in an oral
formulation, and those with anti-pseudomonal activity) have
decreased activity against Gram-positive organisms.
Gram-negative: increased activity against Gram-negative. Many of
them are injectable drugs used for teating hospital-acquired
infections. They are also able to penetrate the CNS, making them
useful for treatment of meningitis
4)Gram-positive: extended-spectrum agents with similar activity
against Gram-positive organisms as first-generation cephalosporins.
Gram-negative: can penetrate the outer membrane of Gramnegative bacteria (including P. aeruginosa) and have a greater
resistance to beta-lactamases. Many can cross the blod-brain barrier.
Forklar Bactericidal vs bacteriostatic
- Bactericidal drugs kill
* Bacteriostatic drugs inhibt growth
Hvilke stoffer er Bactericidal eller bacteriostatic
Class Representative drug Main activity Aminoglycosides Gentamicin Bactericidal Cephalosporins Cefotaxime Bactericidal Glycopeptides Vancomycin Bactericidal Lincosamides Clindamycin Bacteriostatic Macrolides Erythromycin Bacteriostatic Penicillins Ampicillin Bactericidal Phenicols Chloramphenicol Bacteriostatic Quinolones Ciprofloxacin Bactericidal Rifamycins Rifampicin Bactericidal Sulfonamides Sulfamethoxazole Bacteriostatic Tetracyclines Tetracycline Bacteriostatic
Hvilket AB rammer anaerobe
Nævn de 2 mest bredspektret AB
Tetracycliner og Fluoroquinoloner
Hvilket AB tager kun Gram Negative
Polymoxin B
Hvilket spektrum har aminoglycosider og sulfonamider
Alle G - og lidt G+. Sulfonamider tager lidt flere G+ end aminoglycosider
Hvilket spektrum har cephalosporiner ?
G- og G+ og lidt anaerobe
Hvilket spektrum har penicilliner
G+, anaerobe og lidt G-
Imipenem, meropenem
Hvilke AB er konc dependt og forklar hvordan du vil have max clinical effekt ved hhv. time-dependt og conc-dependt
Aminoglycosider + Fluoroquinolones
In order to maximize clinical efficacy:
• High doses for concentration-dependent drugs
• Regular dose intervals for time-dependent drugs
2 måder hvorpå man kan få Antibiotika resistens
Mutation (vertical) Gene transfer (horizontal)
Hvad er MRSA
It is a type of S. aureus containing a resistance gene (mecA) that
confers resistance to all β-lactams (penicillins & cephalosporins)
It spreads clonally (not horizontal gene transfer) Dvs. via DNA ?
Hvilke 2 antibiotika bruges til at påvise MecA genet
Strains resistant to oxacillin should be regarded as resistant to all β-
lactams irrespective of their susceptibility to penicillins and
Golden standard - PCR for MecA
Hvad er ESBL
Extended spectrum beta lactamase
Enzyme able to hydrolise/inactivate most β-lactams (except
carbapenems) in Gram-negative bacteria
Hvilken ESBL bakterie er ofte resistent mod alternative stoffer ? (Multi-drug resistense)
Hvordan transmitteres ESBL ?
Via plasmid dvs. Horizontal gene transfer
Hvad er ESBL resistent mod ? Hvad er den modtagelig for ?
Hvordan vil du identificere ESBL ?
- Susceptible to CLAVULANIC ACID
- Susceptible to CEFOXITIN
- Resistant to CEFEPIME
• PCR and sequencing are required for ESBL identification
ESBL og MRSA - smittevej
ESBL : Usually transmitted by plasmids (horizontal gene transfer). (tegning med DNA)
MRSA: It spreads clonally (not horizontal gene transfer) (tegning med bakterie)