Bacterial infections and zoonoses in companion animals Flashcards
Hund eller kat ?
Sekundært til ?
Skyldes i 90% af tilfældene ?
Generaliseret pyodermi
Oftest hos hund- katte er som oftest lokale abscesser
Skyldes Staphylococcus Pseudointermedius
Otitis Externa
Hund eller kat ?
Sekundært til ?
Hvilke agens ?
Oftest hund - katte har oftest øremider (Otodectes cynotis)
Sekundært til allergi
Bakterie og svampe-kombi
S. Pseudointermedius og Pseudomonas Aeruginosa og Malassezia
Behandling af otitis externa i mild, moderart og gral tilfælde ?
1) Klorhexidin (antimicrobial effect)
2) cocci with og withut rods
Klorhexidin og fusidinsyre
3) Oftest Pseudomonas
Lokalt alt efter om tilstanden af trommehinden
Systemisk behandling (enfrofloxacin) - sjældent
antiinflammatorisk behandling
Ørerens med anti-fungal effecr
Abscesser hos kat.
Agens ?
Pasteurella Mutocida
Men oftest bliver anaerove bakterier ikke testet, hvorfor der kan være mange andre årsager: Fusobacterium, clostridium
Abscess behandling
- Drænage og skyld med klorhexidin
Systemisk påvirket
- valg: Clindamycin eller amoxicillin
- valg: Amoxi/clav
UTI (urinary tract infections)
Agens ?
- E. coli constitutes up to or more than 50% of all isolates
- Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter: 15-30%
- Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus: 20-30%
- NB: Pasteurella common cause in cats but not dogs
Klassisk patient med UTI, hund.
steriliseret hunhunde
Klassisk patient med UTI, kat
Often sterile samples (>90%) despite symptoms
Desuden ser man oftere UTI hos hunde. Det er sjældnere hos katte
Bacterial infections mostly secondary to
Behandling for UTI (Nedre urinveje og Pyelonefritis)
Lower urinary tract infections
• 1st choice: amoxicillin
• 2nd choice: sulfa/TMP
• 1st choice: amoxi/clav
• 2nd choice: enrofloxacin
3 vira ved respirationssygdomme hos hest
Viral infections
• Equine herpesvirus infection
• Equine viral arteritis
• Equine influenza
Agens til kværke og hvordan vil du diagnosticere og behandle det ?
Streptococcus equi subsp. equi is a primary
pathogen causing strangles.
Culture of abscess material or nasal discharge
Isolate horse (very contagious)
- choice. supportive therapy (incl drainage of abscesses)
- choice, penicillin (anvendes ved komplikationer)
Agens til Pneumoni (Granulomatous pneumonia) hos føl ?
Rhodococcus equi a primary cause of pneumonia in foals
G+, intracellular, ubiquitous in soil
Transmitted by air to foals causing disease in immunocompromised individuals
• X-ray / ultrasound
• BAL / trans-tracheal wash for cytology/culture (as bacteria can ”hide” in lung macrophages)
Supportive therapy
Erythromycin + rifampicin (never use rifampicin alone – resistance development)
Forklar Inflammatory lower airway disease (IAD)
Multi-factorial disease
young racehorses (decreased performance)
excessive tracheal mucus, coughing
• Etiology - multifactorial
• Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus
zooepidemicus, Actinobacillus spp., Mycoplasma
equirhinis, equine herpesvirus 1 and 4 are all
significantly associated with IAD (Wood et al., 2005)
• Age and immunity
• Environment
- Diagnosis
- BAL / trans-tracheal wash + culture
- Antibiotic treatment controversial
- Difficult to diagnose
- Which bacterial pathogen is relevant?
- Viral cause?
- Often patients are non-responsive to treatment
Endometritis - agens, behandling
Kan også være non-infektiøs.
Bacteria associated with endometritis
Contaminants, commensals (opportunistic organisms)
• Streptococcus zooepidemicus
• E. coli
Venereally transmitted
• Taylorella equigenitalis
• Klebsiella pneumoniae
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Local treatment
• Flushing of uterus w. saline
• Local antibiotics (e.g. penicillin/gentamicin - solutions)
• Cave: several antibiotics are not indicated for local
treatment due to irritation of endometrium
Systemic treatment
• Gram-positives: e.g. penicillin
• Gram-negatives: e.g. sulfa/TMP or gentamicin
Behandling kan vente indtil prøvesvar, behandling er bedst under østrus
Forklar Contagious equine metritis (CEM)
A highly contagious veneral disease of horses
Taylorella equigenitalis
• G-, microaerophilic, slow-growing bacillus
• Transmitted at mating from stallions and by
• Copious, mucopurulent discharge for a few days
• Shortened estrous cycle
• Cleared infection or chronic carriers
• Swab from endometrium, clitoral fossa/sinus or preputium/penis
• Important to screen animals at import/movement
Forklar enteritis
Main bacterial pathogens are Salmonella and Clostridium
Predisposing factors may be stress related to surgery,
other GI disorders (colic) or broad-spectrum antibiotic
- Salmonella: culture
- Clostridium: culture + toxin detection (ELISA / PCR)
- Treatment with antibiotics
- Controversial as they may cause/promote disease
- Necessary when severe (systemic) disease