Introduction to Epidemiology Flashcards
Science of study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where) and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations`
Epidemiology purposes
Discover, Determine, Identify, Evaluate
Discover the agent, host, and environmental factors that affect health
Determine the relative importance of causes of illness, disability, and death
Identify those segments of the population that have the greatest risk from specific causes of ill health
Evaluate the effectiveness of health programs and services in improving population health
Does epidemiology refer exclusively to the study of infectious diseases in population?
No Infectious diseases Injuries Cardiovascular diseases Cancers Lead poisoning
Individual approach
Diagnosis —> treatment
Diagnostic process
Anamnesis (verbal history) Critical signs Hypothesis=differential diagnosis Test (lab) Diagnosis Treatment and prevention
Might have to go back and forth a few times when you first start out
Use of epidemiology in anamnesis
To describe a condition: three essential characteristics of disease
Who, When, Where
Importance of epidemiology in veterinary practive
Risk of skin cancer in white cats
Hip dysplasia prevalence higher in german shepherds
Transmission of ringworm by contact
Bovine respiratory disease with peak in fall
Risk of lyme disease in hunting dogs
Spirocerca lupi in southern USA
Susceptible host
Breed, age, sex
Housing management Population density Nutrition Season Prevention
Epidemiological approach
What is the problem? (outcome surveillance)
What is the cause? (exposure, risk factor)
What works? (intervention, Evaluation)
How do you do it? (implementation)
Stop it from infecting population
Measures to reduce infections (social distance)