Introduction Flashcards
What are the Basic premises of Freud?
- Most behaviour driven by unconscious forces; motives of which we have limited awareness
- Much of our psychological energy is taken up suppressing unconscious urges. Unconscious is really powerful
- Much of our behaviour is shaped by early-life experiences; difficult, perhaps impossible, to change later on. Early life really matters
What kinds of consciousness are there? (Freud)
conscious, pre-conscious and conscious
What is Conscious? (Freud)
me being aware of you in the audience, aware of what is going on around you
What is Preconscious? (Freud)
easily accessible material; my street, my office
What is Unconscious? (Freud)
thoughts, memories, urges, we are unaware of because they are actively kept in the unconscious (repression). Painful thoughts you don’t think about, can’t be accessed
What did Freud believe that dreams showed?
Dreams were believed to be a route into the unconscious
What is Manifest content?
recalled by the dreamer
What is Latent content?
interpreted by the analyst
What are believed to be the Sources of motivation?
- Darwin: evolutionary and natural selection
- Libido; sexual drives
- Life-preserving drives: hunger, pain. Acting a certain way in response
- Death instinct
- Human motivation is accounted for via these drives
What is the id?
id: raw, uninhibited, instinctual energy. E.g. ‘I want it now!’, Pleasure principle (achieve pleasure/avoid pain); sex/aggressive drives, greatest interest to Freud
What is the ego?
-Ego: socialisation during development means the child needs to plan, reason etc to satisfy the needs of the id, reality principle. Helps control the id to not be impulsive.
What is the superego?
-Superego: latest in development, the ‘conscience’ of the child, believed to be internalisations of parental attitudes and expectations; morality. E.g. is it right to bribe someone?
What happens in the Oral stage: birth to 1 year?
- Primary focus is on feeding; satisfying these needs. This is the basic need to satisfy the hunger
- Baby’s lips, mouth, tongue are all erogenous zones
- Focus is in achieving basic gratification
- Failure to meet needs at this stage can lead to a oral personality. Self-oriented, impatient, demanding, may continue to seek oral gratification (especially when stressed): thumb sucking, nail biting, cigarette smoking
What happens in the Anal stage: 18 months to 3 years?
- Lower trunk matures; comes under greater physical control, can go to the toilet by themselves, can control bowel movement
- Sensual pleasure from bowel movements; this becomes the new erogenous zone
- Focus on the notion of power and control, can come into conflict with caregiver as they are able to do something themselves.
- Fixation can lead to anal personality: Early/harsh potty training = anal personality – orderly, stingy, stubborn. Liberal potty training = anal-expulsive personality – untidy, disorganised, does not follow rules.
What happens in the Phallic stage: 3-5 years?
- Penis becomes erogenous zone
- Penis envy (girls); castration anxiety (boys)
- Boys become aware of their mothers as sexual objects; father seen as rival (Oedipal complex).
What happens in the Latency stage: around 5- 12 years ?
- Resting stage (for psychosexual development); socio-learning.
- Genital stage: around 12 to 18 years – Puberty; more mature sexual attachment occurs.
What is Intrapsychic conflict?
- id vs ego vs superego. Conflict between the three e.g. going to a party will mean missing a lecture!
- id: saying to do it
- Ego: maybe I can sneak out and won’t be noticed
- Superego: it is wrong to waste tuition fees
- Consequence = anxiety
What is repression?
Pushing undesirable things away, not pathological unless taking to extremes
What is projection?
blaming others for our shortcomings, e.g. blaming the lecturer for a bad exam grade
What is rationalisation?
post-hoc explanation, e.g. I didn’t want that job anyway
Strengths of the Freud model
- Provided provocative theories of human behaviour – led to much research
- Often very good descriptions of human behaviour
- Defence mechanisms – helps make ourselves feel better
Problems with the Freud model
- Based on evidence from his patients – however, to protect anonymity very few case studies were published. Middle class stay at home mums, can’t be generalised
- Often revised his ideas – hard to follow the theoretical narrative. Changed his ideas
- Often vague – hard to devise clear empirical tests of his ideas. Ideas cannot be tested
- Is it feasible to explain the lionshare of behaviour via sexual and aggressive drives? – Little on social drives etc.
- Modern evidence does not place overly high importance on early life effects for personality development. – Behaviour genetics (more later on in the course)
- Good evidence of unconscious processes – Less clear if these processes drive behaviour
What study did Pavlov conduct?
- Used classical conditioning to train dogs
- Unconditioned response for a dog to salivate at a bowl of food
- Ringing a bell is a neutral stimulus
- Show the dog the food and the bell to pair them to create the conditioned response of the dog salivating at the bell
What did Watson do?
- Looked at human behaviour
- Developed and popularized this approach in the US
- Rejected psychoanalysis as unscientific
- Argued for a move towards observable constructs, and a move away from studying the unconscious. Founding figure of the school of behaviourism
- Cannot study anything that cannot be physically observed
- Application to humans: Linking desired outcome (reading) with a pleasurable activity (mother’s warmth)