Intro To Pharmacology Flashcards
Airborne precautions
Essential when dealing with airborne pathogens; eyewear, N95, shield, gloves
Contact precautions
Protective clothing and gear to minimize contamination; eyewear, gown, gloves, N95 mask
Droplet precautions
Protective clothing and gear that prevents/minimizes contamination; eyewear, gown, gloves, N95 mask, possible shield
Orphan drug act
Passed to motivate development and provision of new, effective drugs for rare diseases
Five main sources of drugs
Plants, animals/humans, minerals/mineral products, laboratory-produces chemicals, DNA-produces drugs
Drug approval process
Animals studies, clinical trials
Animal studies
Tested on at least 2 animal species; successful move to clinical trials
Clinical trials - phase 1
Tested in healthy volunteers to compare with animal data, safe doses
Clinical trials - phase 2
50 - 300 patients in a double blind studies
Clinical trials - phase 3
Larger patient group (1000s) lasting several years to evaluate efficiency and side effects
Clinical trials - phase 4
“New drug submission” to HPFB
Chemical drug nomenclature
States its chemical composition and molecular structure
Generic drug nomenclature
Should not be capitalized, available for use by other drug companies, based on drugs chemical composition; hydrochloride
Trade drug nomenclature
Manufacturer registered a drug using a trademark, sometimes called brand name, always capitalized; Demerol
Drug standardization
Drug must be uniform and consistent in strength when offered on the market
Special considerations; pregnancy and Brest feeding
Potential of drugs to cross placental barrier can be of concern to developing fetus/infant safety
Pediatric considerations
May require smaller dosing of medications compared to adults, or smaller amount because of higher concentration; commonly based on weight and body surface area
Geriatric considerations
May be taking multiple medications; body organs may be slower than normal causing altered effects of medications
Controlled drug and substances act
Governs the production, registration, distribution and possession of narcotic and controlled substances
On Line Medical Control
The law states that controlled substances/narcotics must be?
Under lock and key storage/kept on the ACPs person
How all narcotics must be accounted for?
Administered, wasted, expired, broken
Drug preparations
Solutions, suspensions, capsules, tablets, suppositories, inhalants, aerosols, ampules, vials, pre-filled syringes, vial of powder solute and vial of liquid solvent, spray, gel
A mixture of one or more substances entirely dissolved in water; normal saline, Nitro, epinephrine, D50W
Liquid with small particles of a solid dispersed, but not dissolved, dispersal is maintained by stirring or shaking the mixture; activated charcoal
Gelatin container used for single dose drug administration
Small solid mass of medicinal powder
Mixture of a drug that is formed into a firm semi-solid cylinder or cone shaped mass that melts at body temperature