Intro to Nav Flashcards
One degree of latitude equals?
One minute of latitude equals?
Most charts used for piloting are?
Mercator Projections
A Mercator chart is what kind of projection?
On a Mercator Chart, 1nm is equal to?
1 min of latitude
Is the date of the first edition found in the chart title?
Large scale charts cover?
Relatively small areas
Charts covering relatively large areas in generalized details are?
small scale charts
The revision date of a chart is printed where?
lower left-corner
Chart sounding datum is found?
In the chart title
The datum used for soundings on charts of the East Coast of the US is?
mean lower low water
Survey info is found?
Chart title
Outer ring of the compass rose on a nautical chart?
True direction
Inner ring of a compass rose on a nautical chart?
magnetic direction
Chart legends printed in capital letters show?
That the associated landmark is conspicuous
When slanted letters are used to spell the name of a charted object you know?
That the object may cover and uncover with tide
If you’re headed southward along the east coast of the US, you encounter a buoy showing a red flashing light; you should pass this buoy by leaving it to?
Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by?
The color of their top band
Nun buoys?
Unlighted, red and green, horizontally banded buoys with the topmost band red and are conical in shape
Are preferred channel buoys numbered?
May preferred channel buoys be lettered?
A lighted buoy with a spherical topmark marks?
safe water
Can spherical buoys be lettered?
A safe water daymark?