Intro to metabolism Flashcards
describe ATP
coenzyme, that is acted in by other enzymes
hydrolysis of atp releases energy
what are the standard and actual free energies of hydrolysis
the standard free energy of hydrolysis is the amount of energy you get from a mole of ATP, when all the concentrations of ATP, ADP and phosphate are 1 molar (-31kJ/mol)
the actual free energy takes the actual ATP, ADP and phosphate values (-60 kJ/mol)
what is the metabolic role of ATP
during oxidation, atp is generated and consumed by energy-consuming reactions
oxidation of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids are broken down to CO2 by the various pathways, liberating energy
ATP is then used in muscle contraction, biosynthetic reactions, ion-pumping, and some of the energy is lost as heat
describe NADP
acceptor of hydrogen
derived from vit B3
NADP+ - oxidised form
NADPH - reduced form
anabolic pathways require both energy and reducing power in the form of NADPH
metabolic role of NADP
acts as oxidising agent and gets reduced throughout respiration
reduced NADP is reduced and is reoxidised in biosynthetic
what are the 4 main categories of dietary requirements
energy (main sources included carbohydrates, fat and protein)
electrolytes and minerals
how is fat broken down
by the beta-oxidation pathway in the mitochondria
how are carbs broken down
glycolysis in cytoplasm and then enters into the mitochondria as pyruvate to be further oxidised
how are proteins broken down
digested to 20 differnt amino acids, each of which has at least 1 breakdown pathway, these pathways all end with the intermediate acetyl-CoA, which is the fuel for the citric (tricarboxylic) acid cycle
what does the citric acid cycle do
oxidises the acetyl groups into CO2
undergoes oxidative phosphorylation
what are starch’s two subcomponents
amylose contains straight chains, in which the glucose units are linked 1-4
amylopectin contains alpha 1-4 linked straight chains with the occasional alpha 1-6 branch
overview of starch digestion
begins in saliva where amylase (synthesised by the parotid gland)breaks alpha 1-4 links, this process is interrupted in the stomach because the pH is low but resumes in the small intestine, where salivary amylase resumes and amylase from the pancreas also acts on starch
starch is broken down into smaller shorter chain glucose polymers (disaccharides)
in the small intestine isomaltase and glucoamylase break these down even further so all of the starch is converted to glucose
glucose is absorbed in the small intestine by active uptake
disaccharide digestion
sucrose (glucose and fructose) is broken down by sucrase to glucose
lactose (galactose and glucose) is broken down by lactase to glucose
galactose and fructose are broken down in the liver
distribution of the lactase persistence phenotype
65% of the world is lactose intolerant
lactase is expressed in infants , but normally this switches off by adulthood, due to exposure in many parts of the world which means it doesn’t not switch off
being unable to digest lactose leads to a lot of digestive problems
anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis
always phosphorylated to to glucose-6-phosphate
in the muscle and liver there are storage form of glucose (glycogen) this can be broken down to glucose-1-p which interconvertible to glucose-6-p
in the cytoplasm glucose 6p becomes pyruvate
in aerobic the pyruvate can enter into the mitochondria
in anaerobic pyruvate becomes lactate