Gas exchange in the lungs Flashcards
what does efficient gas transfer require
large surface area of contact between air (alveoli) and blood (capillaries)
there is extensive branching in both bronchial and arterial anatomy to achieve this
blood vessels branch more that bronchi so have bigger airspaces with smaller vessels
how is oxygen transported
majority of oxygen is carried by haemoglobin, a small fraction is dissolved in the blood but this is not a very effective method of transportation
what occurs at equilibrium
partial pressure of gas in a solution equals partial pressure of gas above liquid
what makes up haemoglobin
2 alpha and 2 beta subunits, each subunit has a haem group which binds oxygen, this alters its shape and charge
what is a haem group
a porphyrin with a central ferrous atom
describe oxygen/haem dissociation
the affinity of binding O2 increases with each successively bound O2 molecule (allosteric affect)
a number of factors can change the ability of haem to take up and liberate O2
goal is to take up O2 in lungs and liberate O2 at tissues
oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve
a right shift in the curve decreases haems affinity for oxygen
a right shift is caused by increased CO2, increased H+, increased temp, increased 2,3 DPG
what is gas exchange driven by
partial pressure
partial pressure of O2 in the alveolus equals the partial pressure in the blood draining the alveolus
partial pressure in the lungs as whole
there is no apparent equilibrium
the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is lower than the alveolus
this is due to shunting and dead space
describe anatomical shunts
a small amount of arterial blood doesn’t come from the lungs (thebesian veins)
a small amount of blood goes through without seeing gas (bronchial circulation)
describe physiological shunts
where there is a V/Q mismatch
anatomical dead spaces represent the conducting airways where no gas exchange takes place
alveolar dead space represents areas of insufficient blood supply for gas exchange - practically non-existent in healthy young but appears with age and disease
physiological dead space is both of these combined
describe the V/Q ratio
if ventilation = perfusion then we will get perfect gas exchange (shunting aside)
at the top of the lungs there is a natural V/Q mismatch with less blood and air going to the top of the lung
describe V/Q mismatch in the lungs
top of the lung ventilation is greater than perfusion
middle of lung ventilation is roughly equal to perfusion
bottom of lung ventilation is less than perfusion
in healthy lungs the physiological V/Q mismatch generally cancels itself out, in disease it becomes more apparent, lung diseases also cause additional V/Q mismatch leading to gas exchange problems
why do patiints become hypoxaemic
V/Q mismatch (pathological vs physiological)
or both combined
describe hypoventilation
not enough oxygen provided for adequate gas exchange
common causes are respiratory diseases, airway obstruction, opiate toxicity