Intro to mental health problems Flashcards
Psychotherapy is…
-A talking therapy that helps you overcome emotional difficulties and challenge mental health issues
-It is long term, has deep level of experience and is extremely patient led
Norcross (1990) stated that…
Psychotherapy is ‘application of clinical methods and interpersonal stances derived from established psychological principles to modify individuals behaviour, cognition and emotions’
DSM 5 states that…
‘A mental disorder is a syndrome characterised by clinically significant disturbance in individual,s cognition, emotion and behaviour’
GBD 2017 found that…
792 million worldwide are affected by mental health issues, which equates to be 10.7% of the population
Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2016 found that…
1 in 6 in the UK identify having a mental health problem within the previous week
2019 BACP Public Perceptions Survey found that…
33% of respondents had confirmed to having either psychotherapy or counselling
Prevalence is…
the amount of people in the population who have a specific disorder at a given time
Point prevalence is…
at a specific point in time
Period prevalence is…
at any point in a given period
Lifetime prevalence is…
at any point within lifetime up until being assessed
Incidence is…
the amount of new cases that arises in a period of time
What two diagnostic tools are used to diagnose a mental disorder?
DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
ICD - International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
What are the 4D’s?
What are the symptoms of depression?
Persistent low mood
Loss of interest in activities
Disrupted sleep
Reduced appetite
Statistic of depression
McManus et al 2009 estimated 4-10% experience depression throughout their lifetime
2:1 female to male ratio