Behavioural approaches Flashcards
What are the 3 generations of behavioural therapies?
-Traditional/radical behavioural therapy
-Cognitive behavioural therapy
-‘Third wave’ behavioural therapy
Describe the process of classical conditioning
-Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)
-Learning through association of stimuli
-UCS = biologically important stimulus that elicits a certain response e.g. food
-UCR = natural response e.g. salivation
-CS = previously neutral stimulus that elicits learnt response when paired with UCS e.g. metronome
-CR = learned response elicited by CS
Describe John Watson (1878-1958) view on behaviourism
-Felt like psychology should be considered a science, so is objective and based on observable evidence
-Emphasis on external behaviours compared to internal processes
What is the study conducted by Watson and Rayner - Little Albert study (1920)
-9 month old baby who had limited fears and would happily play with furry animals
-Conditioned to fear rats as he was startled by a loud noise every time a white rat would be near
-Associated rats as him being fearful
-Generalisation occurred and so he began rot fear other white furry objects such as Santa, cotton wool, a white fur coat etc.
Describe the process of operant conditioning
-Stated the CC was too simplistic
-States that we can learn through positive and negative reinforcement as they increase the likelihood of certain behaviours
-Positive reinforcement refers to receiving something pleasant in response to desired behaviour
-Negative reinforcement refers to something unpleasant getting taken away due to desired behaviour
-Positive punishment refers to something pleasant being taken away in response to undesired behaviour
-Negative punishment refers to something unpleasant being added due to undesired behaviour
Describe maintenance of phobias
-Reinforcement can help to explain the maintenance of phobias
-Acquisition through CC and OC
-Can explain OCD where in a fearful situation, a behaviour can occur such as hand washing
-The threat subsides and so this behaviour is linked to fear being reduced and so is negatively reinforced and becomes a compulsion
-Lack of opportunity to unlearn behaviour
What was Albert Bandura’s (1925-2021) view on behaviourism?
-Social learning theory/Social cognitive theory
-Found that when people observed others who had overcome a snake phobia by holding snakes, they were then less avoidant of the snakes than ppts who had been presented with systematic desensitisation
-Behaviours learnt through observation of role models
What are the goals of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) ?
-Change observable and current behaviour
-Symptoms are the target of treatment
-Specific and measurable goals
What are the characteristics of CBT?
-Will be given for up to 20 weeks
-Clients are actively involved in the process
What are the 3 stages of CBT?
-Behavioural assessment
Describe the first stage of CBT; behavioural assessments
-Client and therapist discuss issues using ABC model (antecedents, behaviours and consequences)
-Antecedent is whatever triggers behaviour
-Behaviour is the behaviour that they want to change
-Consequence is what happens when they react this way
Describe the second stage of CBT; treatment
-Client decides their goals and they agree on a method that will be used
Describe the third stage of CBT; assessments
-Whilst receiving treatment they will have periodic assessments which check their progress toward desired goals and see how effective the treatment is
What is the process of systematic desensitisation?
-Joseph Wolpe (1915-1997)
-Classical conditioning to unlearn association that’s been made
-Reciprocal inhibition occurs as one response inhibits another response e.g. relaxation inhibits fear as you can’t feel both at the same time
Describe the stages of systematic desensitisation
-Relaxation training - Involves muscle relaxations
-Anxiety hierarchy - Establishing what part of fear is the worst e.g. seeing spider crawl on bed, thinking about a spider
-Gradual exposure using relaxation techniques