Intro to Lameness (Bolt and Pead) Flashcards
What is a crossing lameness
- RH becomes lame if RF lame as more weight put onto LF/RH diagonal pair
How can HL lamensss be identified in dogs?
hock hike (not hip hike) - sound hock will drop lower, lame one will be higher
How may lamenss grading change on slowmo?
may be over graded (appears more severe on slowmo)
What must be remembered when interpretting imaging findings with lamenss?
- many musculoskeletal problems exist subclinically
- sub to evaluate the CLINICAL problem by PE it ID pain
What must be remembered when assessing puppies?
Puppies have weird gates!
Where does the majority of forelimb lameness originate?
80-90% in foot
What is the DIP joint?
What horses are prefdisposed to carpus OA? How common is this?
- otherwsie rare
What is ringbone
Pastern OA
What can be discerned from back palpation?
- you can make any horse lfinch on back palp!
- ROM and focal sensitivity more useful
What 2 things can be assessed wrt limb movement?
> travel
- arc of hoof flight: movement of single limb wrt other limbs
- overall movement of limbs - extension and flexion
What gaits can horses show and which are most useful for ID lameness?
> walk - not useful unless crippled - useful looking from the side > pace - abnormal for most horses (exeption std breds and Icelandic) > Canter - better for performance/back assoc problems - not useful for lamenss > trot - best for lameness
What lamenss scales can be used to grade lameness?
- 0-5 ( 1: not vis @ trot, 2: barely vis @ trot, 3: vis @ trot, 4: will not place normally, doesnt want to trot, 5: non-weight bearing)
- 0-10
Which feet experience greatest forces on the lunge?
inside legs
What surface do soft tissue problems appear worse on?
Hard surface
Why are pacers lamenenss work ups difficult?
will try and perform even if lame!
When may trot be missed out of lameness work up?
Suspect fx