Cartilage Aging Flashcards
What is O?
- progressive and permenant degeneration of the articular cartilage
How does OA differ from rheumatoid arthritis?
> OA - lacks most common classical signs of inflam - serology negative for IgM rheumatoid factor - fibrillation and softening of cartilage surface on arthroscopy - narrowed joint space - osteophyte formation - sunchondral bone sclerosis -crepitus > rheumatoid - more d/t inflamed synovium - more cytokines inovled - not common in animals
Which cytokines are especially involved in cartilage degradation?
- IL1b
- TNFa
> enhance production of enzymes -> cartilage degradation
What forms of OA is most common in animals cf. humans?
animals 2* to trauma
- idiopathic in humans
What type of joints are ^ risk for OA?
- high mobility eg. MCP
What type of dogs are ^ risk OA?
- older
- greyhounds
- large breeds
- lumbosacral disk degeneration ^ freq in GSDs
What other species get OA?
Cats - esp older and in appendicular joints
- pigs get OCD
Is OA always preceded by OCD?
What are the 4 main theories of aging?
> evolutionary theories
- disposable soma/antagonistic pleiotropy/mutation accumulation
molecular thoeries
- error catastrophe/somatic mutation/gener regulation/expression
cellular theories
- senescence/apoptosis/wear and tear/ free radicals
systems theories
- neuroendocrine/immunologic
What is disposable soma theory?
- repair mechanisms only maintained until the organism has reproduced
- balance repair and energy resources
WHat is the Stochastic theory of aging?
= error catastrophe
- randomevents at cellular/molecular level drive aging
- mutated proteins will be degraded but if the protein is itself needed for genetic components this will ^ risk of further muations
Functino of cartilage?
- template for bone growth (foetal)
- resists compression (weight-bearing)
- resilience
- support
- flexibility
- lubrication and movement at diarthrodial joints
What are the major components of hyaline cartilage ECM
- Collagen type 2
- proteoglycans (mostly aggrecan)
- water
- some chondrocytes (otherwise avascular, aneural, low cell density)
How does healthy cartilage behave under compressive loading and unloading?
- intstant deformation when loaded
- creep deformation and plateaux
- instant relaxation when unloded
- stress relaxtion
How does UNhealthy cartilage behave under compressive loading and unloading?
More deformation on loading
- either excessive rebound when unloaded (if slightly affected)
- or insufficient rebound when unloaded (with OA)