Intro to home care and consumer rights (module 1, part 1) Flashcards
The consumer is?
The focus of the care team. The person who needs assistance, can be referred to as the client, consumer, or care recipient.
What are the common conditions that affect the client?
Mental illness, developmental and physical disabilities, dementia, chronic disease, dementia, and difficulty performing activities of daily living (ADLs)
What is consumer-directed care?
This means the client has the legal right to direct their own care. They have the right to their own daily living choices. Execute their care as they direct it. They have the right to their own choices as long as it isn’t a threat to their safety.
How do you proceed if your client is in immediate danger?
Call 911 and then report to the case manager or supervisor.
How do you deal with a non-life threatening concern?
Problem solve-refer to notes to problem solving in your written hca exam textbook. If that is ineffective contact their case manager or the supervisor. Execute your obligation as a mandatory reporter if need be.
Who can be consumer directed?
Only IPs or HCAs
What are the benefits of client directed care?
Improved social, physical, and emotional well being. The right to choose and have control over their environment. The right to have control over decisions about the service they receive and the right to determine when and how these services are given
Respecting client differences include:
Age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ability, class, marital status, education, and their cultural background
How the client perceives the world around them
What the client considers “normal”
What the client believes in
What the client considers acceptable.
Abuse and neglect:
Abuse is intentionally causing harm to a child or vulnerable adult or causing them to be afraid of being harmed. It is your responsibility to report signs of abuse and neglect as a mandatory reporter.
Who do you call if you suspect abuse or neglect?
DSHS at END HARM (1-866-363-4276)
What is a mandatory reporter?
A person who has regular work contact with vulnerable people. Such as older clients, care recipients who are children, or clients with disabilities. They are required by law to report suspected abuse and neglect, financial exploitation, and abandonment.
What happens when a mandatory reporter fails to report abuse or suspected abuse?
This a crime which can result in a fine and/or a year in jail!
How do you respect consumer differences professionally?
By respecting and honoring consumer differences, this includes their beliefs, viewpoints, opinions, and values. Ask questions to learn the consumers preferences and respect the client’s choices.
What are the client’s rights?
federal and state laws provide clients with rights. this includes the right to confidentiality, informed consent, and the right to refuse treatment, medications, or services. It is important for you to promote your clients privacy, dignity, and independence.
Why do you use the problem solving process?
To help balance a consumers choice with personal safety.
When should you report concerns?
When a client refuses care or makes choices that present a possible safety concern.
Abuse and neglect legal facts
If you don’t show up to work without calling, that is legally abandonment. Intentional harm to a vulnerable child or adult is abuse. If they are in immediate danger, call end harm