Intro/History Flashcards
cognitive psychology
the branch of psychology concerned with the specific study of the mind
the system that creates mental perceptions of the world and controls mental functions
what is going on in the mind
Franciscus Donders
did one of the first experiments that today would be called a cognitive psychology experiment in 1868
reaction time
how long it takes to respond to the presentation of a stimulus
Franciscus Donders’s experiment
measured decision-making time by comparing simple reaction time (pressing a button when a light flashes) with choice reaction time (pushing left or right button)
mental responses cannot be ____ but must be ____ from ____
- measured directly
- inferred
- behaviour
Who founded the first psychology laboratory, and when?
Wilhelm Wundt in 1879
our overall experience is determined by combining basic elements of experience called sensations
Wundt wanted to create a
periodic table of the mind
analytic introspection
trained subjects describe their experiences and thoughts in response to stimuli
when was structuralism abandoned
early 1900’s
what was Hermann Ebbinghaus interested in?
determining the nature of memory and forgetting, specifically how rapidly learned information is lost over time
how did Ebbinghaus study memory?
calculated savings based on how long it took for him to learn a list of syllables compared to how long it took him to re-learn them after forgetting
savings (memory)
(time it takes to learn) - (time it takes to re-learn)
what does the savings curve show?
memory drops rapidly for the first 2 days after the initial learning and then levels off
who was William James?
- American psychologist focused on functionalism
- taught first psychology class at Harvard in 1890
- studied and wrote a book on the operations of his own mind
what was one of the reasons why psychology rejected the study of mental processes?
negative reaction to Wundt’s technique of analytic introspection
what point of view did Watson propose and why?
Behaviourism, because he was not satisfied with introspection and wanted to study only things we can objectively observe
Watson’s most famous experiment
the Little Albert experiment, where a baby formed a negative association with rats after the pairing of a rat and a loud noise
What type of study did B.F. Skinner introduce?
operant conditioning, which focuses on how behaviour is strengthened by the presentation of positive reinforcers
What did Skinner and Watson have in common?
they both focused solely on determining how behaviour was controlled by stimuli