Reasons to chose interviews?
to explore phenomena not yet researched when u need individuals perspective when research is based on experiences, opinions, and attitudes opportunities of probing required to increase response rates
structured interviews
often used for quant standardised questions easy to analyse positivist view of knowledge responders anonymity easy to provide
semi- structured
used for qual- non standardised (additional questions may be asked)
careful planning and prep needed
you transcribe after (verbatium)
mixture of positivist/non positivist
slow and time consuming
harder to ensure anonymity
interviewer promts ppts- maybe rewording questions
non directive interviews
used for qual-
explore issues and topics in depth and questions are not normally pre planned- allow ppts to talk freely around chosen topic
interviewers input is mainly to provide clarity to answers, checking what they are saying and if they understand what they are saying
focused interviews
respondents response to a known situation which they have been in. Interviewer has previous research to can re focus the ppts
e.g. interviewer has already watched an autobiography but wants to explore the person in more depth
informal conversational interviews
spontaneous generation of questions as the interview progresses- very felxibile
however very hard to analyse as different responders have different questions and it is unlikely notes were taking as it need to be ‘informal’
problem centred interviews
2 phased- first stage open questions’
second stage prepared questions to ensure focus
what is an interview schedule?
designing an interview
what you have with you in the interview as prompts or questions
they are used to guide the conversation
must always avoid leading questions and ambiguous questions
how to increase validity and reliability in interviews- how to design and perform a credible interview- things to remember when doing an interview
.important to limit interview effects
.build rapport and trust- engage with participant showing u are listening and value their opinions
.use prompts
.piolet the interview
.good length of interview for detail- do not rush
.be mindful of language used
.NO bias probes- limit bias write ups/ question asking and order/ not following a sequence
.don’t ask leading questions
.keep personal opinions and experiences to yourself
.consistency between each interview
Focus groups
researcher and a group of ppts
groups of people asked their opinions on a topic- gathering a collective response
interaction/communication between participants is vital
when would we use focus groups?
intervention designs- understanding publics perception of a particular intervention
market research- testing new products
social sciences sector- qualitative research, getting a shared overall opinion- gathering shared perspectives
focus groups are more flexible
methodology of focus groups
4-8 ppts
interviewee sets ground rules at the start (confidentiality, respect group dynamics)
researcher is merely moderating- does not direct question to a ppts
why we use focus groups- characteristics of focus groups
more naturalistic than 1-1 interviews
these are audio recorded and then transcribed
issues with iterviews
only account for perspective of ppts
do not allow for in situ (real time) understanding of phenomena
quality depends on the skills of the interviewer
focus on words- ignores other senses which we can get through observation