international sourcing decisions and the role of the supplier Flashcards
what is original equipment manufacturer
customer of a sub supplier
what is vertical integration
strategy that allows a company to streamline its operations by taking direct ownership of various stages of its production process rather than relying on external contractors or suppliers
what are the reasons for internal sourcing
- concentration on in-house competenties
- lower wages
- general cost efficiency
- increased innovation potential
- fluctuating demand buffer
what are the two different marketing exchanges
transaction and relationship
what are characteristics of marketing exchange transaction
time horizon: short
switching costs: low
objective: needs satisfaction
customer understanding: anonymous
marketer’s task: price, product
core: selling products
what are the characteristics of marketing exchange relationship
time horizon: long
switching costs: high
objective: customer integration
customer understanding: well-known
marketer’s task: problem solving
core: selling service
what is a marriage metaphor
process of reducing the distance and increase the dependence between buyer and seller. shared value and joint investments in the relationship
what is the dissolution phase
the divorce: termination of the relationship. it can make the assets dedicated to the relationship obsolete
what is the relationship phase
awareness> exploration> expansion> commitment> dissolution
what is reverse marketing
the buyer takes the initiative in searching for a supplier that is able to fulfil its needs