International Operations Flashcards
A UK-based international haulier has been requested to undertake the following journey.
Load in Glasgow for Berlin.
Unload in Berlin and reload a consignment in Berlin which is to be delivered in 2 drops. First drop is
Cologne. Second drop is Brussels.
Reload in Brussels for Frankfurt.
Unload in Frankfurt, reload and cross to Turkey.
Deliver in Istanbul (Turkey) and reload for Ankara (Turkey).
Deliver to Ankara and reload for Stirling.
Deliver in Stirling and return empty to Glasgow.
a) Identify ONE example of cabotage, ONE example of third country traffic and ONE example of a leg
of the journey that is illegal. Justify each of your selections.
Berlin – Cologne
Third country journey: UK haulier picks up in Berlin (Germany) and delivers to Brussels (Belgium); or, UK haulier loads
Frankfurt and delivers to Istanbul (Turkey)
Illegal journey: Loads Istanbul and delivers to Ankara, both in Turkey. Cabotage not allowed as Turkey is not an EU
Explain the main difference between a bi-lateral non-quota permit and an ECMT multi-lateral permit.
A bi-lateral non-quota permit requires a haulier in one country to obtain a permit before entering another country.
There are no quotas imposed so they should be easily accessible. They are valid for one return journey, and they have
to be returned to IRFO within 15 days of expiry of the journey
ECMT multi-lateral permit allows ‘tramping journeys throughout the whole of the ECMT area (40+ states). They are
in short supply and must be efficiently used. They are valid for one year for an unlimited number of journeys for one
Briefly explain the term ‘Cabotage’ and make clear how it differs from ‘Third Country’ traffic. Provide
example journeys for both types of traffic.
Cabotage is domestic haulage performed by a foreign registered vehicle. Third country traffic occurs when a vehicle
collects a load in one country for delivery to another but is not registered in either
An example of Cabotage is a UK vehicle picking up a load in Lyon and delivering it in Paris – both places are in France.
An example of third country traffic is when a load is collected by a UK haulier in Holland and Delivered to Germany
Give 2 possible benefits to be gained by hauliers undertaking cabotage operations.
Cabotage operations could increase revenue and contribute towards costs. There could also be an increased customer
base and improved vehicle utilisation
Name the 2 types of permit which allow United Kingdom road hauliers to carry out transport operations
in other countries or groups of countries?
Bi-lateral quota and non-quota permits and ECMT Multi-lateral permits
Which organisation in the United Kingdom is responsible for issuing ECMT permits and for how long are
they valid?
IRFO (International Road Freight Office), Cambridge; Valid from January to December
Within what period must used and unused bi-lateral road haulage permits be returned and to which
15 days of expiry or discharge, to IRFO, Cambridge
For what period of time and for how many journeys is an ECMT permit valid?
The permit is valid from January to December. It is valid for an unlimited number of journeys
When operating under the TIR Convention:
a) what document must be carried on the vehicle to confirm that it can be effectively sealed?
b) for how long is the document valid?
c) which organisation in the UK issues the document?
A GV 60
B 2 years
When a driver presents a TIR carnet to HM Revenue & Customs at the point of departure in the UK,
what 4 procedures would Customs undertake before allowing the vehicle to continue on its journey?
1 Check the load 2 Seal the vehicle 3 Put the seal number on the carnet 4 Remove one voucher from the carnet 5 Stamp the counterfoil
When a driver presents a TIR carnet to the Customs at the point of departure from the EU, what 4
procedures would Customs officers undertake before allowing the vehicle to continue on its journey?
1 Check the documentation
2 Check the seal is intact on the vehicle
3 Remove one voucher from the carnet
4 Stamp the counterfoil
Briefly explain what the terms (a) T1 and (b) T2 mean when describing the customs status of goods
moving within the EU.
Goods not in free circulation; non-EU goods
What customs system can be used to move T1 status goods from the UK to Poland?
The Union Transit System
Explain the principal purpose of Customs document EUR 1.
Defines origin of goods and is useful when preferential rates of duty are agreed
What is the name of the Customs approved guarantee scheme used as a requirement of the Union
Transit System?
Comprehensive guarantee
With regards to Customs Transit systems:
a) to which group of countries would the Union Transit system apply?
b) to which additional group of countries would the Common Transit apply?
A / EU member states
B/ EFTA states
What is the purpose of the ATA carnet?
Allows the temporary importation of certain goods
List 2 items that would require an ATA carnet for import.
Exhibition equipment; broadcasting and television equipment; orchestral instruments
How long must a guarantee be valid for under the ATA carnet scheme?
31 months