Internat Trade- Exchange Rates Flashcards
Supply of currency
Demand for imports, demand oversees assets for investment pruposes-= hot money flows, fdi,=- by a countries citizens
Demand of currency
Demand for countries exports and financial assets= fdi, portfolio
Increased interest rates would increase demand
Equilibrium exchange rate
Amount of currency which exports and forign investors demand is qual to that which imports and home investors supply
During periods econ growth exchange rate
When output increase, real incomes increase
Increased demand imports esp with high mpm
If uk citizens import more /supply of sterling on forign exchange markrets will increase
Choice for exporters about prices when er falls
If demand elastic, decrease foriegn prices and sell more as depreciate
Forward cover
Allow firms to avoid some er risk buy currency at a rate fixed in advance
Exchange rate index
Trade weighted index
Measure competitiveness
Effe tive exxchange rate when measured against multiple other cuntries
Floating exchange rate adv
Automatic adjustment bop
Efficient allocation of resources
Freedom to persue macro econ objective
Independant monetary policy
Floating exchnage rate adv- autmoatic adjustment bop
In theory providing demand for imports and exports is elastic- marshall lerner condition, deficit on current account
Depreciate currnecy
Xpotrs companies imports more expensive, decrease deficit
Country with currenct account surplus, increase value currency
Decrease demand exports, increase imports
Leave a gov free to persue domestic macreoecon obejctives without need to use fiscal policyu to deflate eocn and ammend deficitt
Floating exchnage rate adv- efficient allocation of resources
In a country change world where there is a shift in comparative adv betwene countrues - structural econ change
Market prices should reflect change sd
Freely floating exchnage rates respond to these cnages facing a roe efficient allocation of resources
Floating exchnage rate adv- freedom to persue macroecon objective
Provided a floating exchange rate leads to correction of bop gov free to use fiscal policy to persue domestic policu
No need to increase dfirect taxes to decrease demand to reduced feficit
Floating exchnage rate adv- independent monetary policy
Central bank may not need to increase or change interest rates to maintain a fixed exchange rate e rate
No need for central bank to maintain large suprlus of foriegn currency reserves
Disadv of floating exchnage rates
International trade uncertainty
Speculative capital flows
Depreciation lead to cost push inflation
Disadv floatinge xchnge rate - internat trade uncertainty
Exporterd cannot be certain of teh price of their gs on foriegn markets- importers cannot be sure of cotst of imports
Make business planning diff which can stifle investment
But can use forward market in st to decreae uncertainty but v expensiove
Disadv floatinge xchnge rate- speculative capitla flows
Hot money flows
Can lead to sharp rises and falls in excnage raets that do not necessarily reflect trading conditions- demand for importers and exports
Econ would argue fixed exchange rates may be speculative hot money flows= speculators believe currency overvalued erm 1992 crisis
Appreciation of currency due to hot money flows may make more diff to decrease deficit on currenct account- usa exports at present
Disadv floatinge xchnge rate- history of hot money flows
Uk demand for sterling strong for specultaive invesment prupsoes, often dwarfs influence of trade
1990s- 2008 international trade high, strong demand for pound sterling investment
Yet uk huge bop deficit- should lead to depreciation- but interest rates high- didnt
Not benefit fron main adv fkoating exchange rates- automatic adjustment of bop deficit
Disadv floatinge xchnge rate- depreciation lead cost push inflation
Cost of imports and may have limited efect in decreasing a bop defiict on current account if marhsall lerner conditions not apply
Fixed exchnage rate adv
Decrease riskier flucuations- encourage more internat trade
Discipline eocn management- if er fixed. Gov have an incentive to avoid a rate of inflation higher than that of competitiors
Firms encouraged to becmoe more copm in real terms rather than rthan rely on low er to sell exports
Disadv of fixed exchange rate
No automatic adjustment bop to restore ea trade deficit in current account or reduce suplus
Fixed exchnage rates require a period of exon stablity between trading countries
Overval of currency can lead to a misallocation of resources- may unfairly penalise efficient exporters due to fixed ppound, theory of comparative advantage do not apply
Fixed exchnage rate may be vulnerable to speculative hot money flows out of exn if believ overvalued erm 1992
Loss of control independant montary policu= may be required to change interest rates to maintain value of currency
Central bank will need to keep adequate foriegn currency reserves maintain fixed exchnage rate
Maintain fixed exchange rate- increase
Er rise above fixed level
Sell pound resrerves and buy foriegn currency
Shift supply right, decrease price incresde quantity
Or low interest rates, eddecrease demand increase supply, currency deperciate
Maintain fixed exchange rate== fall below fixed level
Sell foregn currency buy pound
Shift demand right, raise price p1 to p2
Otherwise increase inetrest rates. Increase demand currecy, hot money, decreas esupply, appreciate
Why interest rates less used fixed exchnagr rate
Foriegn currency morme precisie
Interest rates change wider impact
Types of managed exchnage rates
Rigidly fixed exchnage rates
Adjustable peg
Managed float or dirty floating
Adjustable peg
Where a currency is allowed to fluctiate within paramators- cieling and floors= around a specified value or peg
However central bank retains the power to adjust the central peg ro vaue to reflect any significant change in econ circumstances
Adjusting central peg same as revaluation fixed exchnage rate